Get Out Alive

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Harley was depressed. It had been a day since she last saw her puddin and he seemed to reject her. She was surprised when she saw Amanda Waller enter her cell block. Waller casually walked around on the catwalk observing Harley silently, almost as though she were a lion stalking her meek prey. Harley stood up and moved to the bars curious. "Are you the devil?" She asked. Waller stopped to meet her eyes. Amanda's eyes were cold a cruel as they met Harley's fearful but curious icy blue eyes. "Maybe."

A few weeks passed since Waller was last at Belle Reve. Harley was finishing up a lollipop when an alarm sounded and she could hear yelling as the guards poured into the room and surrounded her cell weapons pointed at her while she held her hands up in mock surrender. "Hey! I'm cooperating ok? This is just me being cool." Griggs watched from afar paying little to no attention o the clown queens antics.

"Take her."

A smirk spread across Harley's face and she snapped one of the guards neck with her legs before flipping to the next guard attempting to fight her way out. "Do not fire that god damn weapon!" Griggs shouted as he reached for his taser. Harley collapsed into a screaming mess as the taser shot out and sent electric shocks rippling through her body.

J was ready. He didn't care that he alarms were going off. He started to fight like Harley did- killing five guards in the process. The second he was restrained he laughed and gave a wicked grin before he was escorted through numerous hallways and stopped at a room where there was a line of other criminals. He suddenly heard a familiar cry and froze. Harley. He stretched his neck and could just barely see the faded pink and blue of her hair. When it was his turn he growled at the doctors giving them all a cold glare. They hesitated. "We'll go on! Do it already!" Griggs snapped. One of the doctors quickly inject ed J who gave a grunt of annoyance. "Location verified- next!"

Harley winced in pain as the doctor injected her with the small needle. She was rolled out into a clearing and stopped next to several other criminals- only a few whom she recognized. She sat bored until she saw a flash of green. She sat up straight and blinked in disbelief. It was him- her mind wasn't playing tricks on her- "J!" She yelled. He didn't look at her. "J!" She yelled again. Nothing. "Puddin!" She tried. He glanced over and smirked. He was then wheeled next to her and she desperately attempted to link her hand with his. She managed to catch his pinky finger with her own and was content until he ripped his finger from hers. She frowned. He didn't want to be around her- let alone talk to her. They were released from their restraints and Harley simply glanced over at him out of the corner of her vision. He wasn't even looking at her. She suddenly jumped at seeing a flash of orange out of the corner of her eye. "Easy- I'm not gonna hurt you." She turned to see a dark skinned man. She smirked. "So your the famous man who never misses huh?" She asked her Brooklyn accent thickening as bitchy Harley came out to play. He nodded, "yeah- what's it to you?" She smirked rounding on him. "Well if you never miss couldn't you take out all of these guys one by one?" He shook his head glaring down at her. "You really are crazy..." He muttered before walking over to one of the other guys. She looked over at J who stood with his arms folded across his chest, glaring at everyone in sight. She walked over and rested her head on his shoulder. "J? Are you doing okay?" Joker simply growled in response shrugging her off. She frowned. "J- please, just tell me what's wr-" she was cut off with a slap to the face. Everyone stopped. She put her hand to her cheek and looked up at J who was glaring at her, she then felt arms pulling her up. She moved from the person's arms and backed away towards J who growled. The criminals turned to see a man- clearly a soldier- approach them with what was presumably his squadron. "Injection you got, it's a nanite explosive- small as a rice grain but as powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. Try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me- well guess what? You die." Harley raised her hand a smirk on her face. "I'm known to be quite vexing, I'm just forewarning you-" Flag spun around to face her. "Lady shut up!" He snarled. J stepped forward, becoming mere inches away from Flag's face. "You don't talk to her like that- only I get to do that!" He snarled. Flag rolled his eyes and turned to the rest of the group, "this is the deal, your going somewhere very bad to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens," Flag raised his arms in disbelief, "your my problem," Deadshot nodded, "so is that like a pep talk?" He asked. Flag nodded, "yeah, wheels up in ten- grab your shit over there and let's haul ass."

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