Molly Hooper

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Molly Hooper is a specialist registrar in the morgue at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London. 


A Study in Pink

Molly asks Sherlock if he would join her for coffee which he then interprets as her simply offering him a cup. She shrugs off this blow although she is obviously hurt by his lack of interest in her. Molly applies lipstick, aiming to impress Sherlock. He notices, though it does not have the desired effect upon him

The Blind Banker

Sherlock flirts with her, complimenting her hair, in order to gain access to two bodies in the morgue. This suggests he has some knowledge of her infatuation with him.

The Great Game

She dates Jim Moriarty  and is visibly upset when Sherlock deduces that "Jim" is homosexual. In actuality, this is all a ruse created by Moriarty to get closer to Sherlock. Upset by Sherlock's deduction, Molly leaves the lab. While Sherlock is obviously upset that he has hurt Molly, he only notices that he has done so when she runs out of the lab. 

A Scandal in Belgravia

Molly appears at the Christmas party at 221B Baker Street,  dressed up nicely in a figure-hugging dress. Sherlock embarrasses her by deducing that she has a present for a boyfriend whom she is wildly in love with and will later meet that night, comparing the colour of her lipstick to the colour of the wrapping paper in order to draw attention to her lips "to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts" as Sherlock cuttingly remarks. It turns out that the present is for him. Molly becomes visibly upset, but Sherlock apologises sincerely and gives her a kiss on the cheek, something that Sherlock has only done to Molly, as John looks on bemused by the detective's sudden change in attitude. Molly later turns up at Bart's to analyse what is believed to be Irene Adler's corpse. She is clearly troubled by the fact that Sherlock is able to identify the naked body from "not her face". Later, she sees Sherlock analysing Adler's camera phone, which is loaded with four small explosives at the ready to blow up the camera phone. She becomes visibly insecure when Sherlock mentions that "She [Irene] loves to play games" and then proceeds to ask if she is his girlfriend to which he responds "You think she is my girlfriend because I am x-raying her possessions?". Molly then says that "we all do silly things" which then triggers Sherlock to try another passcode to Irene Adler's locked phone. 

The Reichenbach Fall

Molly is on her way to a lunch date when Sherlock and John barge into Barts; Sherlock waves two packets of Quavers at her and says he is taking her to lunch, and she willingly helps analyse the linseed oil discovered at the kidnapping scene. Here, in a mostly one sided conversation, she attempts to speak to Sherlock about her father, who she believes was similar to him, stating that when her father knew he was going to die, he was only sad when he thought no one could see him, and that Sherlock acts the same when John is not looking. When Sherlock states that she can see him, she says simply that she does not count and offers him help if he needs it. Sherlock looks surprised at her reply and watches her walk out of the lab to purchase some crisps. Later, after being discredited, Sherlock immediately goes to Molly and startles her in the darkened lab. He goes on to vulnerably ask for her help, which she agrees to as she helps fake his death.

The Empty Hearse

Two years after Sherlock's apparent suicide from the roof of St Barts, Sherlock and Molly reunite. Molly acts quite different from how she used to, acting more confident and speaking to Sherlock without stuttering. This change has come-about as she claims to have moved on and is now with a man called Tom whom she is engaged to.

Sherlock returns to detective work quite soon after the public finds out that he is still alive. However he is at odds with John, who is upset that Sherlock faked his death, and so he calls Molly around to Baker Street and nervously asks her to solve crimes with him however she thought that he was going to ask her for dinner. They then accept clients and when Molly said "should I be take notes because that what John says that he does and if I'm being John..." before Sherlock interrupted stating that she isn't being John, she is being herself.

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