Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

I couldn't believe my confidence. I kept replaying the conversation in my head as me and Olly drove home. i was so happy, not only to have actually met Chris Evans but to be going on a date with him.

I'm going on a date with Chris Evans I sang to myself later that night.

"Would you keep it down sis?" Olly yelled "I'm trying to watch TV"

"Sorry" I sang as I got into bed. I lay in my pjs watching back to back episodes of marvel agents of shield.

Suddenly my phone buzzed making me jump. It was a text. I ponce on my phone thinking it was Chris but it was my best friend Georgia.

Georgia- hey Amy u wanna go out shopping tomorow? x

Amy-hey G, yeah I would love to go out. I'll text Anna and see if she wants to x

Amy- hey Anna do u wanna come shopping with me and Georgia tomorow? x

Anna- sure I'll come to you at 10! x

Amy- come to mine at 10 G x

Georgia- k see you then! x


Amy's POV

We had scheduled to meet up at 10 for shopping the next day so as it was 11:00pm I decided to go to bed for the night.

"Night Olly" I shouted downstairs

"Night Amy" he replied calling up the stairs.

I knew he wouldn't go to be for a while yet even though he is younger than me he stays up late and gets up early but he never seems to get tired.

I woke up at 9 and had to run into the shower and speed change. I blow dried my hair but decided to leave it in its natural brown curls but I pinned up a plait on one side. The only make up I put on was mascara and a dab of foundation because I couldn't be bothered to put anything else on.

I wore frayed denim shorts, a blue tank top and my converse because it was a nice day outside.

Anna and Georgia came around to mine at exactly 10 o'clock but because I wasn't ready as per usual Olly opened the door and let them in.

"Shall we go then" I said.

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