Chapter 15

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Amy's POV

It had only been 3 days and I missed chris like crazy.

We had talked to each other on the phone twice but they were only like twenty minute conversations because he was super busy.

I found myself looking at the posters I had in my room of the avengers for like half an hour to see his face.

Sad I know but it made me feel better.

I remember the first time he saw all the posters in my room.


We had come into my room so I could get a spare change of clothes because we had been walking next to a lake an a man on a jet ski drive past and drenched me.

Chris was walking on the other side of me so I blocked the splash from hitting him so he was still dry.

I was looking in my wardrobe when I heard a thud and turned around to find chris wetting himself laughing on the floor.

"What's up" I asked going over to him.

"You are so obsessed with marvel!" he said breathless from laughing so hard so I punched him in the arm.

*end flash back*

I laughed at the memory.

Suddenly I heard my phone start to buzz and I looked over at it on my bedside table.

The caller ID said it was chris. The picture next to his mane was one of my favourite pictures of us.

We were on a bridge and some crazy fan had just poured a bottle of water over his head so he looked super shocked and had water cascading Over his head and I'm just smiling.

Grinning I picked up the phone.

"Hello is this miss hillyard?" I heard someone on the other end of the line say.

"Erm yes that's me" I replied kind I confused.

"Well I'm doctor Stanley an I'm very sorry to tell you this but chris is in hospital. He was hit by a driver as he walked out if his studio. he is ok but he wants to see you"

"Ok tell him I'm catching he next plane out" I said and hung up.

I pulled my case of the top of my wardrobe and started frantically throwing clothes in it.


Chris' POV

It had been a great day at the studio. We had found a man who may have knowledge on where the back up drive is so we could all go home.

In my daze of thinking of Amy and going home I didn't notice the shouts of people around me and the huge truck coming my way.




Hey guys I know this is crappy and kind of a filler.

I am on holiday so I can't be bothered to write most of the time and my parents get mad if I'm on wattpad all the time so yeh.

This was actually supposed to be on the previous chapter but oh well.

K bye

Georgia xx


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