When Stars Howl

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Now focusing on Thena.


After dinner, Thena couldn't stop wondering where she had seen Tarvet before, she wondered what he was going to say before he stopped himself when she had come to eat. And the way he looked at her, she didn't know if she should hug him or run away screaming. He kept to himself, mostly, kind of how she did. looking at both Tarvet and Katina she realized they all looked alike, Katina had grey eyes like Thena did, Tarvet had Dirty blonde hair like she did. He had a mischievous light in his eyes that almost made Thena nervous, it was like looking into a cat's eyes. But Thena saw something else, he had pain in his eyes, like something had gone missing from his soul and he could see it but however hard he tried he couldn't get it back. Thena shook her head lightly, surely she had just been imagining that. The three of them talk for a while more, until they heard a howl. Tarvet stiffened as if he had be hit. "whats wrong?" Katina asked him "We need to leave." "what? why?" Thena asked "That was a star cat, one who does not have a liking for me." "they can't get in, can they" "How did I get in, Thena?" "Oh, right." she had about forgotten he could change his form. A raspy voice came from above "Tarvet. You have company? and star cats no less!"  "whats she talking about?" Thena asked "Thats who i was talking about, Verlain. I-I had had my suspicions but..." "Tarvet! you're freaking me out, what do we do?" Verlains voice came again "Oh poor little kits, they don't even know who they are!" Tarvet growled "Stop playing with their minds, Verlain!" "Oh but Tarvet my dear, I'm only stating the truth." "Tarvet, what does she mean?" Thena asked panicking now "If-If i told you you would call me a liar." "Tell me!" "Fine! Before I do understand I speak the truth!" "Just tell me!" "Thena," Tarvet said voice deadly calm "I am your father." The world seemed to spin around Thena "What?" All of a sudden everything seemed to make sense the way he looked at her, the loss in his eyes. "That took courage Tarvet, you are stronger then I had thought. For that I will leave you, for now" With that Verlain ran to who knows where, her strides booming as she went. Tarvet looked shaken he sat heavily onto one of the cots a empty look in his eyes. "Dad?" Thena asked the word feeling odd in her mouth "You believe me?" he asked looking up at her "Yes," Thena said gently "It all makes sense now." He sighed, Thena understood how he felt he had just given up his biggest secret, he couldn't figure out if he should be relieved or not. "What did Verlain mean about star cats 'they don't even know who they are' what did she mean by that?" "You remember what I told you about celestial cats? How they can go their entire lives not knowing what they are?" "Yes...."  "they need to realize what they are before they can use their abilities, if Verlain spoke true I can instruct you to use your abilities, I can only do so if you agree to let me." Thena wanted to say 'yeah, no thanks i just want to go back to a regular life please' but she couldn't stop wondering what it might be like to be a moon cat. "Alright, I want to learn how to use my abilities if I am a celestial cat." Katina said "Me too." Thena added before she could think again. Tarvet smiled sadly "I will teach you then, but first we should get some sleep"

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