Dream Intrusion

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That was fun writing the last chapter, did anyone expect that?


When they all went to bed that night (Thena guessed it was night), Thena couldn't sleep, she kept thinking about what had happened during the day. How had she not know? How could she be a star cat? Why didn't she remember her father? So many questions that she didn't know the answers to, it felt like the universe had played some kind of cruel joke on her. Then a different question popped up in her mind, who was her mother? She hardly noticed when she finally drifted off to sleep. In her dream she was with the star cat, Verlain. Thena immediately went on guard "Why are you here? What are you doing in my head?" Verlain regarded her like a cat might a wet bird. Verlain looked like an ally cat one that had been in a few too many fights but kept herself clean. "I knew you had questions, I can answer a few" "Like what?" "Oh, i know your mother, shes a friend of mine," Thena felt like she had been slapped, Verlain grinned cruelly, she knew she had Thena hooked "can you tell me who she is?" "I'm afraid not, dear, but be comforted by the fact that she is closer then you had previously thought." Thena felt deflated, this Celesti-whateveryoucallit knew her mom, but she wouldn't tell "Why cant you tell me?" "You have to figure it out yourself, in fact you know already." "But, I don't." Verlain laughed, it sounded like someone was choking on fiberglass "Look in yourself, you will remember soon enough." "What happened to your voice?" The look on Verlain's face made her regret asking. "I used to have a beautiful voice, but well.. that's a tale I need not recall." "But, if this is a dream why can you, like, change your voice so it sounds like how it used to be?" "That would be a fine trick indeed," Verlain mused "But I'm afraid that's not how these visions work." "So, you really want to help me?" "Well what else do I have to do?" Verlain exclaimed exasperated "I've been wasting away inn the boring darkness and solitude, you," She stared pointedly at Thena "are the first interesting thing to happen in several years" "Oh.." She didn't know if she liked to be the interesting thing in a giant feline's life. "But now out time is coming short, it has been, peculiar, talking with you, Thena Lerenz, farewell for now." Verlain evaporated into fine fog as the dream dissipated. only later did Thena realize Veralin had used her last name.

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