Part 2

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"You are... not my child." She cleared her throat trying to be professional, "You were brought to me as a baby. I don't know your real parents. You were left on the steps of the school..."

My life was shattered into pieces with the few words spoken. I stood in complete silence. The only thing that echoed through my mind was the throbbing question of my heart, So who are my real parents? My "mother" shifted uncomfortably with my stare.

"You should h.head home little Whit." She spoke in a hushed tone, "I still love you... you know that right?"

"You're not my mother. Nor did you treat me like your child." I hissed while taking a few steps toward the door.

"Whit. Please. I got you as a baby. I have always loved you, even if I can't show it in class..." tears started to swell in her eyes.

"Don't. Just stop." I sighed, "We both know when I grew up without the power you expected you were disappointed. You wanted a son, but you wanted a son to be proud of. You wanted a son that was top in your class and looked up too, but you got a weak and useless shapeshifter that can't even keep form for longer than five hours. You were never there for me when I was insulted repeatedly... Accosted with hateful words that pierced my heart and every time I looked up at you, all I saw was your teacher stare. You never gave me a loving look after I turned thirteen and was finally old enough to enter your class and not some children's elementary class. The ONLY people who were ever there for me after you became a teacher and no longer a mom were Kitsu and Adam! You probably don't even know who they are!"

"Go to your room! We will discuss tomorrow!" she cried. Then silence covered the room again in its black cloak. I left her in her room with tears in her eyes. I have no remorse for someone who can't fess up their own mistakes. She is not my mother. She no longer means a damn thing to me.

"Welcome back!" Kitsu had cheered, but slowly lost his glee as I slammed the door, "Hey, are you ok?" His eyes pooled with concern as he rubbed his arm gently.

"Do I look fine?" I cleared my shaky throat and continued walking. Kitsu grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me into a hug. His warm grasp caused the hidden tears in my eyes to well up. Why can't my life just be... simple? Happy?

"Hey... It's ok to cry... even though I don't know what's wrong..." his calm voice whispered softly in my ear. His grip tightened on me as he held me close to his chest. I sucked the tears back into my eyes, refusing to cry in my utter rage.

"I'm leaving."

"What?" Kitsu's grip loosened, "You can't! Where would you go!?"

"Anywhere, but here..."

Kitsu sighed faintly and stepped back. His eyes filled with worry pierced my emotional heart once or twice before I had hardened and put the barrier up.

The barrier... It's my only friend... The only thing that keeps me numb and safe. I don't feel a thing when the barrier is around. He keeps me safe from words... Sticks and stones DO break bones, but that doesn't mean words don't hurt me. They do, unless the barrier is here. Then, nothing hurts...

"Go then..." Kitsu swallowed with soft tears in his eyes, "You'd be happier out there than here..." He looked away from my numbed gaze while rubbing his arm. He glanced out the window. The night was cold and snowy. The white flakes poured from the sky and danced to the ground. The flakes all piled up together in a freezing white powder that covered the dying grass. The air nipped at your skin and if you stayed out in it long enough it would turn your skin blue. The night was one of the worst nights for someone to run away.

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