First Impressions

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(Listened to this while writing ^^ it's not mine btw :3, I don't own any of the music I might put in my stories, I don't own art either, I will say of its mine though,thank you and I hope you enjoy the story!!! ^-^)
Two monsters and a human walked into the store where Mae,Gregg,Bea, and Angus  were hanging out. The name if the store was known as the "Snack Falcon", which is where Greggory worked. The odd trio made their way to the pasta isle. The trio contained a VERY tall a skeleton with a red flowing scarf, red boots and gloves, a wierd sign on his chestplate, a skeleton half the size of the taller skeleton with a blue hood complete with tanish fluff on the hood and ketchup packets in his pockets? Very odd. Finally, a child who was being carried by the blue hooded skeleton and what was odd was the fact that the child's eyes being closed the whole time and yet, they could see, they also had brown hair down to their shoulders and a sweater with sky blue, striped twice with magenta and then brown boots.
The three went along their business until they came up to the counter and saw Gregg...
To be continued my broskies!!! X3
(219 words)

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