Enhanced Education

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Enhanced Education

     Hard to imagine an individual not born into wealth and privilege getting ahead in this day and age. Or any age for that matter. It is true, despite being born into everyday society some meritorious individuals have managed to rise above their inherent station. The time has come now to ensure that all people are given a solid foundation with which to build their lives. But first we must as a society build a solid foundation for them to stand upon.
     Looking at our basic educational system the world over, the current foundation is not only enfeebled but toxic. No wonder so many flit around in a lazy stupor apathetic about everything surrounding them. However, "them" equals out to us. The proof lay in our own lives. Mostly spent on menial pursuits. What has come before must be transformed. What follows is a basic outline for Enhanced Education.


Currently the educational system is underfunded, if at all. So discussion of extra schools and specialized teachers remains off center until redistribution of funds via 100% inheritance tax, or other solutions have been reached. As with everything else though, we must begin somewhere.
Working within the current system it would take specialized advocates, meritorious individuals who could recognize potential in its earliest stages. Three times in a school year these advocates would travel around a nation selecting those pupils most noteworthy to begin their higher education.

Over time and with the right direction ALL schools would work in a higher education format. This would eventually give students the ability to gain a specific education suited to their talents and abilities. The advocates would remain in place traveling to select what will now be the best of the best.

Initially speaking, the customization would be limited to faculty and circumference. Once many individuals have come out on the other side as living proof of the validity of this system it will expand as needed.

-Flaws in the Current System-

The poison well of the current educational paradigm must be rooted out. True, observing people in every day life one can see how ineptly this world has been brought up. One person here unable to spell even the simplest of words. Another, presenting sloppy workmanship as solid gold effort. Yet another put in a position they are completely unqualified for yet everyone accepts this mode because it is the norm. Still another unable to form coherent words and draw conversations to their conclusion in an efficient and refined way. The list goes on ad infinitum.

Sports coaches teaching math, science, and literature. It's one thing if they are qualified to do so but most of them aren't qualified to teach sports! Stick to what you know should be the motto of the times. How many people try to wax philosophical about things they know nothing about? Students now in America attend school on average fifteen days out of the month, that's less than half the year if you take the now fourteen week summer into account. True, less school attendance would be needed if the system were using the limited time at maximum capacity. Instead the limited time is wasted with mostly unqualified teachers phoning in their work. Let's be honest, with the meek wages they make who can blame them? Even so, does that mean they should just plug in movies to watch so they can play on their phones while our current and future generations waste away? The flaws in the system are many but if we root them out one by one we can plant the seeds for a better future.


Integrating college style courses into lower grades seems a sound solution to higher education. The honest truth is, if given a head start in educational life, any individual could be ready for college level study by the age of fifteen. What this means is, if we sweep aside the useless curriculum set forth by the past we can rebuild a better, more streamlined learning society that is able to complete college level courses earlier than is now possible. This also would eliminate the need to pay tuition for classes one doesn't need surrounding the ones they do,  because they would be learning at an advanced rate. Of course the ramifications of eliminating colleges as we know them are far to much for this short article, we should all think of what an endeavor like this could mean.

Individuals should be interested in learning not in losing.

Enhanced Education is a reformation of all education that hasn't built autonomous individuals capable of accomplishing anything they set out to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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