Chapter Three (3)

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Sencers p.o.v

I couldnt help but smile as Noah and I left Adrians house, we went in the pool! All of us! Including me! And i usually never do! But Im extremely glad I di, because Noah jumped in with me and all. It was super fun, other than the times I was worried about Max, because when he went to get me some shorts and a shirt he found Adrians porn stash or something and I could tell her was hurt because he quieted down after, and he was usually hyper and never quiet. It was weird.

But we left after that kind of, and now we're just driving around at like one in the afternoon, we went lots of places already, but it seemed like he didnt want to take me home--which I was kind of thankful for.

"So... You want to go get something to eat?" He popped his lips quickly, before looking at me.

"Um... Im OK," I blushed, I had no money.

"Its OK if you have no money, Ill pay for you, dont worry I got it covered." he smiled patting my knee once, making my face heat up. I gave in nodding slowly. "McDonalds?"

My head shot up. He woul buy me McDonalds? But thats like five dollars per burger, I frowned. "Um... Im OK." I said quietly.

"But Im hungry." He pouted watching the road.

"Then eat?" He confused me.

"Well, Im not going to eat a Big Mac, and ignore your skinny little tummy growling." He smiled teasingly, moving his light brown hair out of his eyes.

"Oh..." I frowned, wrapping my hands around my stomach, I hated when people called me skinny, because I knew I was--dont get me wrong--but because they once made me go to counselling--the school--for a month, because I never took lunches and apparently I was that skinny. And because of that when I went to a meeting, it only made me feel worse because, the group session I went in told me I just wanted attention, I didnt eat because I was an 'attention whore'. I was a freak, and that I didnt deserve to be in the group.

But I never got it, I never got why I was forced into the session when I had no 'issue' I have no 'problem' was what they said it was. They used the harshest words to describe me. They had a family to support them, while I was stuck with nothing. I had no family. I wasnt anorexic, my parents just didnt want to feed me, there was barely any food in the house, and with the little there was I always had to portion it so I would have something to eat, and over time, Ive just gotten smaller and skinnier.

I looked like a small child compared to Noah, I was barely five foot, while Noah was like six, two.

"I didnt mean it like that." he stopped outside of the McDonalds, it even had a play place, he pulled the key out of the ignition an unbuckles both of just, "Just come get something to eat, it doesnt have to be a meal. You can just get fries--but make them large--or a Big Mac and we could have the same thing!" He finished excitedly.

"Ill pay your back." I whispered, "I swear." I looked up at him through my bangs.

"No need, my treated, sunshine." He smiled before kissing my head, making my body fill with peaches. He kissed me! I felt my face heat up, and I nearly fell out of the door when it was already open. Tumbling into Noah, I blushed harder.

"S... So... Sorry." I blushed. He shook his head, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"No need." He said, searching my red face, before walking with me to the front and opening the door. He nodded his head into the restaurant, and I pouted. I could have opened my own door! "Go!" He whined, stomping his feet childishly on the ground, rolling my eyes knowing I wouldnt wind anything over, I walked inside and he pushed me to th line, asking me what I wanted.

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