Twenty One-Bonus: Nicole's P.O.V.

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"Did you tell her?" My best friend, Sarah, calls me.

"Y-yeah..." I reply.

"Did you lie?"

"Of course I did! Are you kidding me?" I replied with a small giggle.

"Are they there?" Sarah asks.

"My dad and Dan aren't here, but my mom and Emily and Mikey are." I explain, going to the fridge for a snack.

"Can you come over again?" Sarah asks as I close the fridge.

"Can Ryan come?" I ask. 

Ryan is my sorta secret boyfriend. My parents don't know about him, and that he's here with Sarah and my other friends.

"Yeah, I'll text him." Sarah says.

"I'll be over in 5." I say, hanging up.

"I'm going shopping with Sarah!" I yell to Mom, lying.

"Ok! Be back before midnight!" She says.

I walk out the door, walking down the street to Sarah and Ryan's rental house. Did I mention that Ryan is Sarah's brother? Well anyways, I walked down there, and realized the sun was going down.

"Perfect time." I mumble to myself, ringing the doorbell.

"You don't have to ring the doorbell, just come in." Sarah says, opening the door.

"Nicole." Ryan smiles, walking into the lounge with a beer in hand.

"Hi." I smile back, walking over to him. We hug, and quickly kiss, then go to sit on the sofa.

"Who else is coming?" I ask, looking at Sarah.

"The usual's; Ken, Marya, Heidi, Jackson, Lara, Christine, Dustin." Sarah says, taking a sip of Ryan's beer.

"Ugh, Lara? Why her? I didn't see her yesterday..." I say.

"Yeah, that's 'cause her parents made her stay home and practice her violin for 3 hours." Sarah says, laughing a bit.

"Ugh, Lara's such a downer. All she does at parties is lock herself in the bathroom and read like 8 different books." Ryan says.

"The only reason she's coming is 'cause she believes we're actually her friends and our mom makes us invite her." Sarah rolls her eyes.

"I'm gonna go get another beer." Ryan gets up and goes to the kitchen.

"Get me one!" I call to him.

"We should sneak into PlaylistLive tonight." Sarah suggests. "They're having a huge party with a bunch of YouTubers."

"My dad and uncle are going to be there. They're there right now." I say, raising my eyebrows.

"We can just... stay out of their sight?" Sarah says as Ryan comes back with our drinks.

Just then, the doorbell rings. 

"I'll get it." I say, getting up.

I open the door to see Marya, our extremely tall Indian friend.

"Hi everyone..." She starts. "Oooh beers?" She says, not even having to move her head since she can see over me.

"Yeah, they're in the fridge." Ryan says, pointing to the kitchen.

Marya makes her way to the fridge as I go back and sit down.

"What do you think about sneaking into the PlaylistLive party tonight, Marya?" Sarah asks as Marya comes back and sits on the sofa with us.

"Sounds great! Wait... Aren't your dad and uncle gonna be there?" Marya turns to me.

"Yeah, they're there right now and have been there all day." I repeat.

"Pfft, we'll just stay away from them."

"Let's see what Christine, Ken, Heidi, Jackson, Dustin and Lara think..." I hesitate.

"Who cares what Lara thinks, we'll just see what the others think." Marya says, taking a sip of her beer.

The doorbell rings again, and Marya gets it. This time it's Jackson. 

"Hey Jackson." I wave from the sofa. Jackson waves, sitting down.

Just a quick note, this sofa is huge, so it's big enough to fit everyone.

Once everyone got there, it was almost 9:00, when the party starts. We took a vote, and everyone thinks it's a good idea to go. Except for me and Lara, only because my dad and uncle will be there and Lara doesn't like parties. They dragged us there anyway.

We walk into the party, a large convention centre filled with thousands of popular YouTubers. My dad and Dan were on the other side of the room, talking to Louise and Zoe. It looks like they're holding beers, which is weird, since they don't usually drink.

"Is that your dad and Dan?" Marya points across the room. I nod, avoiding eye contact and running away as I see them start walking in our direction. I just hoped they didn't see us.

Sarah decided to go up to the bar, which was a bold move, since my dad and Dan could see her at any moment, and wonder why she's here. 

I notice my dad look at Sarah as she goes up to the bar and then he whispers something to Dan, and then they start walking in her direction. I hide in the distance, trying to see over everyone.

"Nicole?" I hear my name. Sh*t!

I look up and see Louise. She'll keep a secret for me, right?

"Come with me." I drag her into the bathroom, so that my dad and Dan wouldn't see me with her and wonder why I'm here.

"What're you doing here?" She says.

"Can you keep a secret for me? Like, not tell Dan or my dad?" I look at her in the eyes.

"Definitely. Spill." She says, nodding.

"My friends and I snuck in here, even after I told them we could get caught by Dan or my dad, but they insisted to come here anyway." I tell her.

"Ohh." She nods.

"If you don't want to be here, we could sneak away and I could take you home." Louise suggests.

"Yes, please." I sigh of relief.

We quickly go out of the bathroom and as we turn the corner, we're stopped.

"What do you think you're doing here?" My dad and Dan are standing in front of us, arms crossed.

"Sh*t." I say under my breath.

"I invited her." Louise saves me.

"How come her friends are here then?" Dan uncrosses his arms.

"Th-they are? What?" I act.

"Yeah, we just saw Sarah and Ryan at the bar..." My dad says, pointing to the bar.

"Well, um, we're gonna head home now... Bye!" Louise says as we run off.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how awesome that was, you saving me." I say once we get in Louise's car.

"It's no problem." She smiles.

I get back home around midnight, just in time.

"Thanks!" I tell Louise, getting out of her car as she waved.

I opened the door and found my mom in the kitchen, doing some late night baking.

"Hi." I said, putting my purse down.

"You're awfully dressed up for shopping..." My mom points at my makeup, black high heels, and purple tube dress.

"Oh, um, yeah, we went to some pretty posh shops..." I make up an excuse.

"Who dropped you off? That didn't look like Sarah's car..." She says, getting back to her baking.

"Oh, um, it was Marya." I lie. "I'm gonna get ready for bed...goodnight." I hurry off to my room.

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