Twenty Seven

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"I just need some time alone..." Phil says.

"Is it me?" I ask. 

"N-no." He replies, not making eye contact.

I know Phil loves me, but my anxiety gets the best of me. I think it's me. I'm a terrible person. I'm so emotional. Why did he even love me? Why does anyone love me?

"P-please come back. Don't leave like my father did." I grab Phil's shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"I'd never permanently leave you, Gina. I love you." He responds, kissing me.

He walks out the door as I go upstairs. Dan knows Phil was leaving, and he knows I'm sad about it. I go up and walk to his bedroom. I slowly and carefully knock until I hear, "Come in."

I open the door, seeing Dan sitting on his bed, reading a book.

"H-hi." I wave, standing in the doorway.

"Phil left?" He asks, closing the book. I slowly nod. He motions me to come and sit with him.

Dan has always been my best friend. We've been friends since the first day of high school. I could trust him with anything.

"I know you're sad... But I know it's not you. Phil gets these moments sometimes. He just wants to be by himself to reflect on certain things on his mind." Dan tells me.

"I-I know... My anxiety gets the best of me, and I just think it's me. There's something wrong with me." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Gina. You're perfect the way you are. You're an amazing friend, wife, mom, sister and all around person." Dan says, hugging me.

"Th-thanks." I give Dan a small smile.

All of a sudden, I hear yelling. It sounds like it's coming from Nicole's room.

"I hate you!"

"Why did I ever decide to date you!"

"Why did I ever even like you!"

I stand up. "Dan, you hear that too, right?" I ask him.

"Y-yeah... Sounds like Nicole's yelling at someone... Like a boyfriend or something." He says, shrugging.

"She's not allowed to have a boyfriend yet..." I say, walking out of his room.

"Nicolynna! Open up!" I pound on the door.

"Go away!" She yells at me.

"Nicolynna! I said to open this door right now!" I yell. "Who are you yelling at?" I ask, my voice still loud.

"No one! Leave me alone!" She yells.

I go downstairs, making tea. There's nothing else I could do.

"Nicole. Just open the door, and this will be easy." I hear Dan's voice.

"No! I said go away!" Nicole still yells.

Usually, she talks to Dan. She's always let him in, always let him say what he wants.

"Alright, ya little sh*t, open the goddamn door." His voice gets a bit louder.

"Oh god..." I face palm. 

I hear a door open. "I SAID GO AWAY! I CAN DEAL WITH MY OWN PROBLEMS!" Nicole yells.

I peek upstairs. Nicole goes to close the door, but Dan stops it with his hand.

"Just tell me what's going on and we can make things better. I can fight a b**ch for you." Dan crosses his arms.

Nicole puts her phone away, pulling Dan into her room.

I go upstairs, listening in on their conversation.

D: So, need me to fight a b**ch?

N: Yes, definitely.

D: Who?

N: My EX-boyfriend, Ryan.

D: Wait, Sarah's brother?

N: Y-yeah... we dated for a few months...

D: Does anyone know besides your friends?

N: N-no...

D: I'll still fight him. Where does he live? 

N: Down the street... House 553.

D: Let's go.

N: Wait right now?

D: Yes right now!

Nicole and Dan exit Nicole's room as I run down the hallway, pretending to clean something.

"We're gonna head out..." Dan says, looking at me, then Nicole, then back at me.

"You know I heard everything, right?" I cross my arms, giggling. "I can fight a b**ch too." I say.

"Come on then, no time to waste!" Dan motions for me to come with them.

Once we leave, I get a text from Phil.

Philip Lester: Where are you?

Me: Going to fight someone with Dan and Nicole.

Philip Lester: Oh no...

Me: It's fine, just Nicole's ex-boyfriend.

Philip Lester: Wait, she had a boyfriend?

Me: I know, news to me too. But no one hurts my daughter.

Philip Lester: Wait for me, I'm coming home.

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