Chapter 3

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Vince sighed, then began the long walk from his study to the dining room, where only his family and a couple special enforcers stood; namely, Chyna and Kane. He smiled at them, nodded, then sat down in the seat next to Queen Linda.

"Hello, dear," he said, leaning over and kissing her cheek. She returned the gesture, then looked down at her empty plate.

"We've been waiting here for ages for those blasted cooks. Poor Shane is going to starve," she said sarcastically. Vince looked to his right, where his son was morosely pushing a piece of lettuce around on his plate with a fork.

"Why don't you eat the lettuce?" Shane looked up at his father, disgusted.

"I am a PRINCE...I shouldn't have to eat it if I don't want to." He folded his arms across his chest. Linda snorted.

"Oh, Shane, don't be such a child. Come now, eat your vegetables."

"NO!" Linda arched her eyebrows.

"Don't make me come over there, young man." Shane decided to pout.

"Mother, please...I am an adult. You cannot make me eat something if I don't want to." Linda rose from her chair, walking over and stabbing the lettuce with her fork, then prying the wildly protesting Shane's mouth open.

"I didn't want to do this, Shane." Shane gently but forcefully pushed her away.

"Mother....I'm a grown man. You don't have to force feed me." Linda raised an eyebrow.

"That's beside the point, Shane. You're still my son and I'll do as I please when it comes to your diet. Now as a mother, it is my job to see to it that you eat right, and it STARTS with eating your vegetables." She looked up suddenly as the great doors at the end of the hall opened, and in bustled the cooks, red faced. She sighed, smiled, then walked back over to her seat as the cooks began piling food on the plates, much to Shane's delight as a chicken leg was plopped down in front of him. At least it was better than lettuce. Vince had just raised his knife to dig into the piece of turkey before him when he heard the doors open again, and in rushed Kane, carrying a scruffy-bearded, long-haired heathen by the seat of his pants. Vince sighed.

"This best be important, Kane. I'm starved." Kane never moved, still holding the wriggling person by the pants. Chyna soon came up beside him. Vince motioned for her to talk.

"Trespasser," she said, looking down at the man fighting to break the behemoth's grasp but failing miserably.

"Ah....I see....put him down." Kane cocked his head to the side.

"Are...are you sure, sire?" Chyna asked. Vince nodded. Shrugging, Kane opened his hand and sent the man sailing the rest of the three feet down to the ground, landing on the polished granite floor with a loud thud. Turning, they walked back outside the doors, and Vince watched this new man with curiosity.

"Your name, boy." The man stood, lifting his hat to his chest and clutching it nervously, also brushing his obviously hand-tailored clothes off.


Both kids started laughing suddenly until Sean silenced them by tossing pillows at them. "Hush!" He cried, now also laughing. They giggled, then settled down to listen to the story again.

Vince raised his eyebrows. "No other name? No last name?" Sean shook his head.

"No, sire. Just Sean. Well, I have a last name, but it seems that all the great musicians use only one, so..."

"Ahhh...I see," Vince said thoughtfully. "So you're a musician?" Sean beamed proudly.

"Yes, sir. Up and coming in the booming field of music making." Vince stifled a laugh.

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