Chapter 8

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Lane went to make his move when, suddenly, he was kicked from the gate, landing on the ground and knocking himself out cold. The group, startled, stopped immediately and stared up at the scruffy blond dangling from his knees from the sign that hung above the gates.

"Hey guys!" He said cheerfully, noticing the two women on horseback. "And gals. Care if I join ya?" They stared from one to another; this was just too strange. Michaels spoke up first.

"Excuse me?" The dangling man grinned.

"My name is Chris Jericho...I'm the squire for the stables here?" Michaels's eyes immediately lit up.

"THE famed Squire Jericho?" The man nodded. Michaels grew more excited. "Great! But...why do you wanna leave with us?" Jericho grinned.

"First, I want outta this place. I hear life's better for all over at Port Titan. And second," he went on, looking disgustedly at the prone body on the ground, "I always did hate that guy for ripping off my look." Shawn nodded.

"I know how that goes...sure, go ahead, hook up with our group. I know Vince has certainly been wanting to get you over there anyhow." Jericho's grin broadened as, with one smooth, swift movement, he swung himself backwards and onto Shawn's horse. Michaels was admittedly impressed as the group rode undetected back to the port.

"Daddy? How could they get that far and not have any problems?" Kaitlin asked in a voice, her speech slightly slurred from weariness. Sean smiled; one was almost ready to fall! He knew she'd be asleep in a matter of minutes now. Jesse, on the other hand...

"Don't worry about it, baby, it's just a story," he replied evasively, since he really didn't know himself. He just wanted the story to end; the sooner it ended, the sooner they'd be asleep, and the sooner he'd be able to crawl into his own bed.

Two knights, a bard, an untapped talented squire, a guard, a princess, a female warrior, and an extraordinarily tall mute made their way into Vince's castle, Stephanie immediately running into her father's open arms the moment she saw him. He hugged her, then let her go and looked, dazed at the group before him, directing his attention to Shawn.

"I ask you to bring my daughter back, you bring her and three others with you?" Shawn nodded enthusiastically.

"We brought a chick, a-"

"I am NOT a chick."

"A fighter."

"Thank you."

"Anyhow, a FIGHTER, a guard...and we broughtcha Jericho, Vinman!" He exclaimed, shoving Jericho forward into the mess. Vince's brow narrowed- 'Vinman'? For some reason, the nickname seemed vaguely familiar to him, but the feeling was pushed to the back of his mind when joy overtook him. He had Jericho, THE Jericho, in his court, and he couldn't be happier. King Bischoff, on the other hand...

"You WHAT?!" Bischoff screamed, making the men across from him wince. The guard in front stepped up closer.

"Look, I'm sorry, alright? We didn't mean to let him go, we just-"

"You didn't just let HIM go, you let EVERYONE go!" Bischoff screamed again, growing more and more angry with each passing moment. Hearing the guards across from him continually yelling didn't help, either, and he finally roared for them to leave. Looking to his right, he saw his confidant, Earl Gene, writing something on a piece of parchment.

"Gene," he started, staring down the bald man across from him. "You have any information on Vince?" Gene shook his head.

"I can't tell you that, sire." Bischoff's brow creased.

"What do you mean, you can't tell me?"

"Only those who are on my special list of sources can get inside info. You have to be eighteen or older to join, kids have to make sure to get parents' permission. If you'd like to join, you could-" Bischoff waved him away.

"Forget it, Gene. Just....nevermind, I'll find my own way."

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