Chuck and rocky

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I jumped out of bed seeing my poor little brother chuck being attacked by a beast.
I quickly ran out of my room I was in still In pajamas and pounced at the beast in my brother. That beast growled and snarled, and that's when I realized it was one of the boys who ran out of the maze I tried to escape from. It was Ben, Mihno's friend. Ben dug his nails in my arm and yelled, "YOU CANT BE HERE!" Then I punched him and ran. I ran as fast as I could threw homestead as the other graders called it. "HELP! HELP ME!" I yelled tell my neck was grabbed with cold bloody hands. Ben got me. Then I saw a dirty blond haired boy with funky eyebrows which were on point by the way. He threw Ben and had a bunch of boys tackle him. He picked me up bridle style into his lap. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? You could have been killed! Why didn't you let it get chuck!?" I cried into his shirt and looked up, as he was wrapping my arm. "Ash why did you do that? Your a precious gem to us boys your the only girl!" Gally  taunted. "So what I'm a girl and I'm more tough looking then your eyebrows will ever be." I said while whipping my arm away and stood up. "Why you little!" "GALLY!" It was Alby. "Go put this crank infected boy in the slammer." As Gally walked off I told alby what i remembered. I told him my name, how chuck was my brother. Then I heard yelling and braking.

We both sprinted into the open field of the glade and saw.. a dog? They roped him and made him bark and bite at the boys. I yelled "STOP!" Not knowing why I tell I saw the poor creature realizing I knew him. It was rocky my dog. "ROCKY!" I started to cry as he was wagging his cute little tail and pouncing at me with loving kisses. The boys ripped me away in fear. "NO STOP!" The dropped me. "This is my friend, he is my pet. His name was rocky and he is mine! NOBODY TOUCH HIM." I took the rope of and let him to calm him. And he was full of joy and passion. He wasn't gonna let any of these boys hit me and harass me. He was my protector.

///2 Months Later///

I woke up as usual to Rocky liking my face with slobber and his bowl by him. I filled the bowl with food and told him to stay here as I got dressed. There was a shipment of clothes with army pants a black shirt, a belt with holders, ponytails, camo shorts, another black shirt, a brush, toothpaste and brush, shoes and socks, and then dog toys for Rocky with a green bandanna. I slid my clothes on and went out side to get my breakfast. I went up to fry pan the cook and got my usual. Pancakes with sausage! I sauntered of to my table were my best friends sat. Minho, Newt, Alby, and Thomas. Thomas came here only last month and we were already best friends. In that time my brother Chuck had finally remembered me and we were loving yet sassy siblings as well. We hung out for the longest times and then got to work. He recently came to be ill and has been for two weeks. I'm kind of worried but he should be ok. "Hey y'all!" I said to the boys.
They all looked worried.
"Hey it's chuck."
"OMG! Is he better!" I tell in-excitement.
There faces were pale as they told me he passed away last night due to the plague. No. .no! I ran away as they chased me. I fell to the ground crying and crying. As Newt and Minho and Alby just comforted me. As the day went on I spent time in my room. Until the next day. That's when they chose my job. We had a meeting and I was.. what... no.. it can't be... please no! I don't wanna be...!!! I was a runner... I had to run with those monsters who gave my brother the Plague. Shit. Tomorrow I had to try out, weather I liked it or not. I was kind of excited but mostly horrified. As I laid with rocky outside my room I gently fell asleep when I woke up the next morning in my bed with rocky tied up and Gally shirtless staring at me. "WHAT THE—-"SHUT UP SHANK" he yelled. "I didn't sleep with you, I came in here to shower and bring you food." I relaxed. Then I realized rocky was gone. "Where's rocky..." I asked. "I put him out side." He said with no worry. I ran outside to see rocky being fed pork by Thomas. Thank fully he was ok. I just sat with them tell my try out we're all the boys sat watching. Then I ran.

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