Welcome, To The Bangtan Club

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and reach for my phone to turn it off. 

I sigh in annoyance knowing I had to go to school since today was final exams. 

My mom enters the room to remind me to get ready and I nod. It's not like my school life will end until I graduate so I get up willingly.

I put on my school uniform it wasn't really what you see in those cute K-Dramas or anime but I think it looked suitable for someone like me.

After I finish putting on my shoes I leave my room to the dinning table. 

"Y/n breakfast will be done soon, sit patiently okay?" My mother asked kindly.

"Okay!" I say unable to smile at her. It's not her fault we have to learn useless stuff in a place full of strangers that end up getting too close for about 2/5 of your life but I just wasn't in the mood.

"What's wrong? Thinking of those silly k-boys again?" She teases.

"Mom!~ No but if they were in my school I'd be happy to go and even wake up earlier for school!" I exclaim going on fangirl mode.

"You never know I mean they are around your age maybe one day they come and transfer to your own school." My mother casually said placing my breakfast in front of me.

"Oh I wish. I hope." I cry with a happy smile.

"Luck is something rewarded to those who don't lose hope so stay happy okay, Y/n?" My mom flashed me smile before leaving for work.

"I will bye love you!" I yell.

"Love you honey!" I hear her yell back.

"Hope. J-hope. Lol!" I laugh as I ate my toast.

After eating my breakfast I brush my teeth and brush my hair.

"Alright! Let's see if I did Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge (Homework). Okay I guess that's it and maybe I should study a bit before I make my way to school." I say to myself.

I sit down on my bed and open up one of my math books to study.

Some time passed and I finally was able to regain my confidence on passing the test.

As I packed my belongings my phone vibrated. I walk to grab it and see it's my friend. 


I scroll down to see the image she sent me to find the boys that stole my heart sitting in my school's seats!

I scroll down to see the image she sent me to find the boys that stole my heart sitting in my school's seats!

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No way could this be true! No way!

I text back rapidly: No! Liar no way in hell!

She texts: I swear they are here I would ask for a picture but I'm scared... I ran away when I saw them! AAAAHHH!

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