Chapter eleven: Old mate

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⚠️Short chapter, but very suspenseful;) also next time I update I might make it lengthy just for you beauties 💖

As I was running I heard laughter coming from Skylar and a male. When I looked back I didn't see a bear at all, I saw a person I thought I wouldn't see ever again, Hayes. He was dressed up on a bear costume with the bear mask in his arms.

Pure embarrassment and anger built itself up inside.

"It's not funny" I crossed my arms.

"It actually kinda is" Skylar laughed out.

"Were, you planning this out the whole time?"

", but I wish I was" Skylar said

I looked at Hayes and he looked at me.

"Sara" he smiled

"Hayes" I said awkwardly.

"Wait, wait two know each other?" Skylar asked

"Yeah, we actually met a while back. But anyways....what are you doing up here in these creepy ass woods" Hayes asked

"Skylar here got us lost" I said snatching the map from her hands.

"We're suppose to be here but instead we're here all because of her dumb ass" I said pointing at the locations

"If you want...I can walk you back"

Before I could even get a response out Skylar jumped up excitedly and yelled "yes!"

"I don't think that'll be a good idea" I insisted.

"Its not a problem"

I tried to say no but he began to walk down the trail with the map and Skylar close behind.

Well Ethan's going to be pissed.

Ethan's POV

Pelly and Grayson decided to wait at the docks while I went back up the trail, to see if Sara was there.

I heard sounds coming from the bushes, I turned around to see what it was. Instead of being a cute little bunny like I thought it would be instead it was Sara, Skylar and....Hayes?

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