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"Karaoke? Us?"

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Mabel signed. "I promise!"

The twins looked at each other.

"Graunty Mabel, it is actually impossible for us to sing," Ford told her. "Deaf, remember?"

"I know you guys are deaf, but you can still speak, right?" Mabel asked. "I don't care if it's not good, I just thought it would be fun! Us all singing together?"

"Graunty Mabel-"

Stan held up a hand, looking thoughtful.

"...I think it would be fun," he said. "I've never tried singing before."

"Yeah, because you wouldn't be able to hear yourself," Ford looked at him strangely. "You've never been interested in it before."

"I've never been interesting in a lot of stuff before this summer, Sixer," Stan argued. "Arts and crafts, painting, baking; maybe I won't be able to hear myself. It never stops Bella when she has her earbuds it. Fidds says she's not that good when she can't hear herself. She still does it."

"Yeah! See, Ford? Your brother gets it!" Mabel grinned. "Just sing with us. It can be a family thing!"

"And really, you think anyone's gonna judge us after our great aunt put Buddy behind bars?" Stan smirked.

"...alright," Ford sighed. "Sure. I'll do it."

Stan and Mabel cheered and Stan pulled the older twin into a hug.

"You're awesome, Pointdexter!" Stan laughed.

"If you just said something, I don't know what it was!" Ford laughed as well.


"This isn't a good idea. We can't do this. How on earth are we supposed to hit a three-part harmony if two of us can't hear?"

"Ford, relax!" Mabel told him, passing over a microphone. Zombies wandered around the abandoned party below. "You just gotta believe!"

"I can't believe in something that has an extremely low chance of working!" Ford shrieked.

"Come on, Ford!" Stan groaned. "Stop being a science nerd and sing!"

"It's starting!" Mabel pointed at the karaoke machine and the twins turned to look at it. Ford sighed and held the microphone up to his mouth.  

"Friday night, we're gonna party till dawn..."

Deaf Stans One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now