The Holy Spirit Is Important.

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The Holy Spirit is part of God. Adam (Being Adam and Eve, the Male and the Female) are made in the image of God. We have concluded this in one of my previous posts being that The Holy Spirit is female, and woman is made in her image, which is still the image of God because The Holy Spirit is part of God. Is this Spirit important? Yes, without any certain doubt she is important. The Holy Spirit is the spirit that was dwelling in the body of all the prophets, she is how they received their divine revelation, prophecies, teachings, etc. This was the same spirit that was in the body of Jesus Christ, also known as 'his power'. The Holy Spirit is known as the power of God, the fire of God and the wisdom of God to name a few things.

Romans 8:9 'However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.' That sounds important. If this spirit is not in you, dwelling in you (for you are the temple of God, you are the temple of the Holy Spirit which lives inside of you) you CANNOT enter the kingdom of heaven because to inherit the kingdom of heaven you must be born of the spirit. What is the spirit? The Holy Spirit. Yes, you must have sincere repentance and be baptized into death, but you also need this spirit. It is how you are adopted, and is the reason you cry 'Abba, Father.' Galatians 4:6. Besides this it bluntly says that if you blaspheme or say a word against God the Father or the son Jesus Christ you're forgiven, but if you dare say a word against the Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven. It is an ETERNAL sin. There is also a verse in proverbs that says those who sin against wisdom sin against themselves. Sounding familiar? If this spirit is not important... Why is there an eternal sin if you blaspheme it?

The Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit, Wisdom. It is important and is part of the trinity. If it wasn't important, it would not be part of the trinity. If it wasn't important, Jesus would not have said that you had to be born again. If it wasn't important, there wouldn't be an eternal sin attached to blaspheming it.


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