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Bella's POV

I was making dinner at my dad's house. I move to preheat the oven, setting it to 375. I was making baked spaghetti. Charlie should be home in just under 2 hours. I stir the noodles, ensuring they don't stick to the bottom of the pot.

It's been about week since I had my cast taken off. I remember the events that put me in it...

Mike Newton, my ex-boyfriend, had been very abusive during our relationship. That abuse went from emotional to physical. We started dating my sophomore year of college, and he seemed pretty sweet. For about five maybe six months it was great, then he started making comments about how I was lesser than he was mentally and how I was gaining weight.

We moved into an apartment together for our junior year of college, and things went from bad to worse. We fought constantly. Everything, according to him, was my fault. He'd throw things and slammed doors. Then he started slamming me into walls...  It honestly scared the shit out of me, some nights he'd go out and ignore my calls and not return until late the next day. I even caught him fucking my ex-best friend.

My dad eventually figured it out after Dr.Cullen treated me for bruised ribs midway through school year. Then, my dad came banging on the door to the apartment. He would've killed Mike, had Mike not been at work. He had me pack up as much stuff as possible and drove me to his house.

My dad had put a warrant out for him. But the next day, Mike appeared outside one of my classes and started yelling about me cheating. I had never cheated a day in my life. I remember saying something about me not cheating, and asking him what he called having his dick inside Jessica Stanley. He lost it and started wailing on me.

He broke my arm and I remember hearing the crack . Some guy pulled Mike off me and I remember Rosalie rushing to my side, already on the phone with 911. That guy was Emmett, Rose's not yet boyfriend. I remember biting down on my lip so hard that it bled.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a loud banging. Bang. BANG. BANG!

I stir the noodles once more, before yelling, "Just a second." The banging didn't stop. I shake my head before pouring the noodles into the colander, draining the water. I walk to the door and look through the peephole.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I back away from the door as if it had burst into flames. The same person assaulting my door, was the exact same person who'd liked hurting me. I swallow thickly. I had a restraining order against him, he wasn't allowed within 300 yards of me. I rush to the kitchen and turn the oven off before I slip up the stairs, carefully avoiding the squeaky ones.

I grab my cell phone and hide in my dad's closet. I quickly dial Charlie's number, holding my breath until he picks up. I can barely hear the words I'm speaking.

Dad tells me he's sending a car over to the house now and to stay hidden. He knew telling me to stay calm wouldn't help. Calm hadn't existed for me in years. It most certainly didn't exist now. I hear glass to a window downstairs break and I bite down hard on my lower lip. The banging stops, yet I was petrified and scrunched down in the closet of Charlie's room.

I hear sirens blaring outside the house. My body stays tight. I hear the stairs squeak as someone walks up them. "Bella."  I hear Officer Cullen call out. "Your dad sent me."

I feel my body shrink into a smaller ball. I cannot bear the thought of moving. I don't even think I can speak at this point.

Cops and RobbersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora