Alolan Excadrill for @PokeManiac9803

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PokeManiac9803 here's that Alolan Excadrill from your art challenge you requested me to take part in. Sorry for being my usual procrastinatey self and I'm sorry if you really really wanted this done sooner.

As you wanted, it has beach sand shovels for arms instead of drills. It still looks mean so I wouldn't say that it's 100% kid friendly but close enough.

But I swapped the rocks on it's body with shells and (give me originality points for this one) a sand dollar as the rock by its face.

The stripes were changed to seaweed and I also added fins to the legs (assuming as a part water type, it'd be able to swim) as well as one long back fin that... Well... wraps around its hood thing into a lure.


A fishing mole Pokémon everybody.

I hope you don't mind 😅

But basically the idea behind it is that it uses its lure to attract its pray while in the water and stuff.

Right now, it's a Remoraid styled lure, but it could have variations with Magikarp lures, Tynamo lures, etc.

And yet again, I used a how to draw website to draw most of Excadrill before changing it. XP

So that's that

Btw, everyone be sure to wish Vicky (my sister/heromudkip297) a happy birthday cause her birthday is on Monday the 20th

She'll be 14 so we'll technically be the same age...






until January 😏


Whelp... Taggings...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora