My Boys.

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Jordan threw her bed cover off her body in annoyance. Squinting her eyes at the sun seemingly blarring down on just her she growled.
"wake up, J!" she heard Jacob call from somewhere in their cabin "don't make me come in there and get you." she rolled her eyes at the threat and made her way to the kitchen.
"there better be coffee, Jacob." she glared at him as she jumped up onto the kitchen bench, swinging her legs slightly.
"good morning sunshine." he chuckled at her as he slid the warm cup of coffee towards her, she easily caught it bringing the purple mug up to her lips. She stopped short to raise an eyebrow at Jacob who was looking out the window behind her nervously.
"what?" she questioned him, placing the mug back onto the marble counter top. He shook his head in response a small smile settling on his face. "she's coming over today isn't she?" she rolled her eyes playfully at him.
"maybe." he sighed "could you maybe hang out with us?" he all but begged her, this pleased Jordan but also horrified her. She despised being a third wheel for the two, they were so awkward it was almost painful to watch. She grimaced about the last time all three of them hung out." please, I'll invite Embry and Quil." he had taken to giving her the puppy eyes now and she rolled her own.
"fine-" she said pointing at him now "but this" she started moving her finger in a circle around his eyes "was foul play." a large grin settled on his face as he pushed his long black hair back from his face in relief. "you have to call Embry though" she said furrowing her brows.
Jacob looked taken a back for a moment "why can't you call him?" he questioned cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy.
Jordan tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ears that hung from her messy bun and sighed "he won't answer my texts or phone calls."
Jacob looked confused now "what did you do?" he asked clicking his tongue.
Jordan raised her hands in defeat and reached back for her mug "don't ask me, I haven't done anything out of the norm." she took a sip of her coffee and turned to look out of the window behind her at the sound of Bella's truck pulling up. She turned back to Jacob who quickly nodded in response still frowning as if he was trying to piece together a puzzle that was impossible to solve. She nodded towards the window which seemed to snap Jacob out of his trance his eyes widened and a grin crept onto his face as he quickly turned to run out the door.
Jordan chuckled as she rolled her eyes at her cousin's love sick ways and jumped down from the counter top her bare feet hitting the cold timber floor with a thud. Better go save Jacob from himself she thought as she to headed for the door.

                       - - - - - - - - - - -

A couple of hours had passed before the door to the shed opened with a loud thud swiftly interrupting the awkward conversation between Jacob and Bella this was fine with Jordan though. Seeing Jacob so obviously swoon over some girl, who so obviously didn't respirate those feelings made Jordan bored in fact that she had absently started to make patterns in the dirt with her finger on the floor of the small shed in which she sat. She grimaced and wiped her hands on her torn blue jeans, turning to the two boys who had just waltzed into the room, one had short curls tight on his head the other had wavy hair resting on his shoulders. She smiled at the sight of the taller boy. 'embry' she thought to herself as she ran to throw herself at him he caught her easily of course and laughed nodding towards Jake over the smaller girls shoulder. "jeez, loca you'd think that you were happy to see me or something." his arms tightened around her back causing Jordan to laugh maybe a little harder than she should have and nudged his shoulder.
"maybe if you had of text me back I wouldn't have decided to embarrasse you." he held his hand across his heart and scoffed at her dramatically.
"me? Embarrassed? By you?" he questioned.
"you should be more embarrassed by him." Quil chuckled, Embry shot daggers at him with his eyes.
"oh really and why is that?" she raised an eyebrow at both boys.
"he doesn't shut up about you" Embry rolled his eyes at that as Jacob let out a loud laugh.
"its true" Jake said sending a broad smile between the pair.
"we're friends" she crossed her arms over her chest "who doesn't talk about their friends?" she turned to Quil "but you should know this unless of course you don't have any friends?" she remarked raising an eyebrow in challenge at the younger boy. He made an exaggerated pained noise holding his bicep as if he'd been hit.
"ouch, oh yeah do you know about the part where you're his girlfriend?" he sent a smirk towards her and she sent one back. 'touche' she thought to herelf as she clicked her tongue.
Embry was quick to reply of course stuttering his words "a-actually I said that she was a girl who was a friend." he held his arm out to Jake as if asking him to help, licking his lips and biting down slightly on his bottom lip in embarrassment.
"Jacob do you remember him making this distinction?" Quil asked playfully at the other boy.
Jake's smile broadening as his mouth formed the n to his answer. Jordan quickly intercepted the boy with her own comment.
"it's funny that you say we are just friends, em" she turned on her heel away from Jacob so she could face the now blushing Embry "because I was under the impression that you were my boyfriend." she pouted at him and battered her eyelashes.
"I mean, well if you're asking" he wiggled his eyebrows at her as he went to grab at her waist, she spun away from him turning to stick her tongue out at him and crossing her  arms back over her chest.
"no" Jordan pouted at him again "you said we were just friends." she turned her back to him facing Quil now, he chuckled.
"so I heard you were in the market." he said pursing his lips at her in a kissy face, she scrunched up her nose in reply and recoiled.
"Ew, you're taking your cousin to prom." Jake and Embry almost fell over with laughter, Quil mock laughed.
"oh yeah it's a riot, you're so funny" he said scrunching his nose up and sticking his tongue out at the now smirking girl.
"you want funny?" she said challenging him "I'll give you funny." her arm flung out to bring him into a gentle but firm headlock, she bought her fist up to the top of his head and began to rub his hair with her knuckles.
Jacob and Embry laughed behind the pair, their feet padding the floor lightly as they walked to where Bella was still seated with a look of bewilderment and amusement adorned her face.
Quil was laughing as he took advantage of Jordan's distraction of smiling at Bella and reversed the headlock, she giggled and poked him in his side.. Hard causing him to jump away from her.
"what you got, Ateara?" she laughed towards her friend holding her arms up in challenge. He let out a low chuckle and lunged at her, twisting their bodies so his hit the floor with Jordan falling on top of him assuring her a nonpainful fall. "never show weakness, young padawan." She laughed as she rolled beside him bringing him back into a headlock now laying on the floor her grip firm, she repeated the action with her knuckles as he struggled to get away from her. They both laughed in union when Embry lent towards Bella and said "I got five bucks on Jordan" he held out his hand for the handshake that confirmed the bet, she grabbed it and shook twice.
"you're on." she chuckled watching the two wrestle on the shed floor.



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