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"E-embry" Jordan stumbled out as she pulled the sweater over herself and hugged it tightly around her midsection "w-what-"
Embry cut her off with a shush he reached out for her putting a hand on her knee and the other cupping her cheek bringing her face to his own so that he could look her in the eyes "I'll explain everything, let's just get you cleaned up first." he whispered to the girl and she nodded as he slowly picked her up bridal style to carry her back to her uncles cabin.

The walk through the woods was a silent one that seemed to drag on forever, Jordan had fallen asleep only a short while into it having used all her energy to shift. The forest was so quiet it had seemed only Embry's loud breathing had broken its peace. He sighed in relief when he saw the familiar red of the cabin that he had considered his second home since he was but a baby and tightened his grip around Jordan protectively when Jacob ran to meet them half way.
"is she okay?" he asked hurriedly, Embry found himself nodding but not willing to put her into Jacob's out stretched arms. Jacob's brows furrowed in confusion at the strange behaviour of his best friend.
"Jake" he heard a warning from his father who was awaiting them at the door of the cabin "let's go make some coffee for Embry and Jordan while they get cleaned up." he didn't ask Jacob for the help more stated that he was to do it, Billy knew that Embry had to be the one to explain all this to Jordan. He knew that Embry felt somehow responsible no matter how silly the notion that he himself had bought this upon Jordan he felt like it was his fault.
Jacob reluctantly nodded and sent at questioning look to his friend but said nothing more on the matter and turned to go inside.
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The warm water from the shower enveloped Jordan and she let out a shaky breath before pulling her knees to her chest. She was confused and disoriented, she just turned into a wolf with the thought of what had just happened she slumped her shoulders and smacked her head on her knee. She knew the legends of her tribe about the great spirit warriors she always loved them, her uncle Billy, Harry Clearwater and the other elders used to tell them around the fire when she was a kid.
The thought crossed her mind that she may be a spirit warrior but the thought faded when she couldn't recall any women being spirit warriors.
The door opened slightly and a hand came to rest between the crack "can I come in, loca?" embry asked sweetly from behind the door, Jordan hummed in response. "how you feeling?" he said as he sat down his back leaning on the glass door of the shower. Jordan pondered that thought for a moment but she came to the conclusion that she really didn't know, there was silence for a moment when Jordan furrowed her brows and bit her bottom lip.
"am I-" she took a shaky breath in "am I monster, Em?" her voice broke as she could feel the tears prickle her eyes. Embry jumped up from where he had been sitting and was now in the shower crouching down in front of her.
He gently lifted her chin with his finger and smoothed back her hair "no, baby never." he cupped her chin in his hand and placed a kiss on her forehead. He hated the fact that she was thrust into this world like that, he never wanted to tell her but he never saw this coming a female spirit warrior was unheard of, he knew how hard this was going to be on her.
Jordan began to cry when she suddenly realised the full weight of the situation at hand, she had just turned into a giant wolf, so had Paul and Sam, she could speak telepathically to the both of them and Embry somehow knew all about this.
"Em, are you-" she lifted her eyes to meet his and the look in them already gave away the answer "you're a wolf too." things suddenly fell into place when she realised this. This was the reason he was avoiding her, this was the reason for the change in both attitude and looks, this is why he has that tattoo and that's when it dawned on Jordan her eyes grew wide if the situation had of been different it would have been comical how wide they were "and Jacob?" she asked. Embry only nodded in response with a sullen look on his face. Jordan gasped at the news, placing her hand over her open mouth.
"you could have told me" she rushed out "I would have never judged you, I would have helped, I never would have stopped loving yo-" Embry shushed her mid sentence "we'll talk about this soon, get dressed I'm taking you for a walk."
Jordan had rushed out of the shower, throwing jeans and a hoodie on as she stumbled through the cabin to meet Embry outside.
He was waiting for her at the bottom of the ramp looking out into the forest. She wondered what he was thinking about and she was suddenly bombarded with his thoughts.
She doesn't deserve this, it's my fault. I should have told her, how could I have been so stupid? Of course there was a possibility this would happen she has the same grandfather as Jacob. There was always a chance, how could I not see this coming?
When Jordan reached him he turned to her and bought her into a strong embrace, Jordan melted into him and sighed drawing circles on the back of his neck with her fingers. "its not your fault, Em. You couldn't have known." she said into his neck and buried her face deeper into it.
"Baby, if I had of told you, you could have been prepared." he let out a shaky breath before continuing "if I had of been there instead of ignoring you, I could have seen the signs." he ran his hand through his hair and pulled back.
"Embry, honestly there's nothing you could have done." Jordan walked to him and stopped when she was so close her shirt was brushing lightly on his bare chest, the small space between them was charged with electricity and it drove Jordan insane she wanted to close the distance between them but she was holding back not wanting to make Embry back away again. Though it seemed he had the same thoughts as her, he closed the distance with a low groan and grabbed at her pulling her into him as he slammed his lips into hers Jordan made a noise of surprise that turned into a low pur. She reached up to grab the back of his neck and pull him further into the kiss but was inturppted by someone clearing their throat behind them. She wirled around with a growl to tell the offender to go away but stopped when she saw her uncle looking between the both of them.
"don't you growl at me, princess" he said sternly frowning at the girl "come inside, both of you we need to talk." and with that he turned his wheel chair around and headed inside. Jordan sighed but reluctantly started to follow with Embry close on her heels.
"that was kinda hot" he chuckled "I like the fiesty side of you, Loca." he grabbed for her but was met by her hands slapping his away, they both wore wicked grins as they look at each other. "oh, we are so finishing this conversation later." Embry told her in a low voice. Jordan hummed an agreement as they went inside.
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Jacob placed a warm purple mug in front of Jordan, who was leaning against Embry in the chair. "so let me get this straight-" she started raising an eyebrow at Billy. "there has never been a woman spirit warrior, like ever?" she was more confused than when they started the conversation. Billy had said that she was a spirit warrior, sworn to protect the tribe from the cold ones. Who were also known as vampires, which turns out Bella's boyfriend and his family happen to be. She also found out that spirit warriors are also always men, she was the first woman spirit warrior since the start of the tribe.
"yes, Jordan" her uncle sighed out now rubbing his temples with frustration "for the hundredth time you are the first." Jordan hummed and bought the warm cup that had been placed in front of her to her lips. Jacob chimed in "don't get a big head about it, J." he chuckled as the girl poked her tongue out at him.
The three teenagers froze suddenly as a voice filled their heads 'bring Jordan to Emily's we need to start training.'
Embry and Jacob groaned in union before standing.
"I don't think I will ever get used to that" Jordan shook her head before facing Billy "sorry, uncle b gotta go." she dramatically rose from her chair before walking out the door.


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