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Song: We Are Young by Fun


Reader's POV:

It got suddenly quiet in the fuller house which is strange considering the absolutely insane amount of people that live here. I started walking down the stairs and all the lights were off.


everyone yells out as the lights turn on.

"Wow, oh. My gosh, hi!" I say completely startled. Everyone laughs. As i make my way down the tall staircase i notice Jackson, Max, and Ramona coming to greet me.

"Wow, you look great!" Ramona exclaims.

"Thanks to you, duh." I say. We laugh and hug.

"This is my mom, Kimmy. And this is my dad, Fernando. Ramona says, motioning towards them. I glance at them. Ramona's mom is wearing fruit in her hair and Ramona's dad is wearing a rain coat.

"Um, hello. Uh, what is in your hair... and why are you wearing a rain coat indoors?" I question.

"Oh! Hello, this is a new trend im trying." Kimmy says, fixing the fruit that started to slip off of her head.

"Oh." I say, pretending to understand what the heck was going on.

"I am wearing this rain coat because i like the way it feels." Fernando says rolling his r's.

"And i do too!" Kimmy says playfully.

"Sorry, they're weird." Ramona says, rolling her eyes.

"Um, its a cute kind of weird." I say, questionably. The three of them walk away, heading towards the food table. I turn and Max gives me a big hug.

"I usually don't people staying here," Max says, looking over at Fernando with a deadly stare, "but you are cool, and clean!" He says, dramatically wiping the fake sweat off of his forehead, pretending to have a big weight lifted off of his tiny shoulders.

"See ya!" Max says, noticing the chocolate fountain in the center of the room.

"Hey." Jackson says quietly, waving awkwardly.

"Hey." I say. We stand there, not knowing what to do with ourselves.

"I hope you-" Jackson starts, but he gets cut off by my mom. She's got my arm, dragging me over to the other side of the room.

"Sorry!" I call out.

"I guess i will see you later!" He says, smiling and laughing to himself. My mom sits me down. Uh oh. Im getting "a talk."

My mom starts, "hey honey. Look, i think it is great that you are making friends, and i am extremely grateful that DJ and her family let us stay here. But, you still have to do your work and focus, okay? I don't want you to end up like i did, asking to live somewhere, with no home of your own. So, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." I say, nodding my head.

"Stay away from that boy." She says seriously. "All he is, is a distraction. I can see the way you look at him, but listen honey. He had to go to summer school. And, im sorry to say this but, you cant have people like that drag you down. Education means full ride to college which means a job and a family and-"

"A happy ending. Okay! I know mom! I cant believe this." I say upset. I get good grades! But, i have to obey my mom, no matter how much it hurts.


Jackson's POV:

This party sucked. I mean, it was fun, but it would've been better with Y/N. I haven't seen her all night. I hope it isn't because of something i did.

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