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Jason's PoV
I was walking through the woods whispering to myself, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are g-" I get cut of by what sounds like a faint whisper. "Grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."
I backed up, felt myself stumble. "Who's there?" There was a laugh and I heard a creak coming from a wooden window frame. I stood back and felt myself slip. I was falling, looked up and noticed that I slipped of a cliff. "Jaaason? You're falling..." the voice echoed. I looked down and saw her. Pale face. Dark blue lips and blue eyes. I felt the heat coming from the ground and I knew she was waiting for me. "Wh-who are you?-" I felt a sharp pain as I reach the grou- Everything went black.

Jessica's PoV
I woke up to the sound of screaming. I jumped up out of my bed. I turned to look at my clock. 5:24 am. I unlocked the door and tried to find where the screaming was coming from. It was coming from next door, Mrs Patterson's house? Jason lives there too. Me and Jason have been friends since we were 4, then we went to secondry school and he started hanging around with the popular boys. I have always been okay with it though. Anyway, I knocked on the door but I don't think Mrs Patterson could hear me over her screaming. I grabbed the key from under her plant pot and unlocked the door. I ran upstairs and into Jason's room. "What's wrong, Mrs Patterson?"
"He won't wake up!!" I instantly pulled out my phone and dialled 911.

Mrs Patterson's PoV
We're waiting at the hospital and I'm worried about Jason. I told Jessica that she should go school but she refused to leave without seeing if Jason is okay. Those two were so cute together when they were younger. They planned their wedding together and everything. Jessica would wear a sparkly, puffed out cinderella dress and Jason would wear a blue tuxedo. His best man would be his friend James and her bridesmades would be her friends Silver, Kai (even though he was a boy) and Alisha. I wanted to cheer her up a little. "Do you remember how close you two were when you were younger?" She nodded, "we even planned out our lives together" We both said, "Two girls" and we laughed. "You said you wanted a dress like cinderella...", I reminded her but it seemed like she remembered anyway. "So sparkly that it glowed..." We both smiled.
"You guys would of been great parents" I wanted to reassure her.
"We could of been if we didn't stop hanging out and got a girlfriend" she mumbled... The doctor walked in and asked us to follow him into Jason's ward. We agreed, obviously. Jessica sat at the end of Jason's bed, looking up at him. "So," the doctor said," it seems that Jason suffered from cardiac arrest while sleeping" We all looked at Jason. "H-how?", asked Jessica. "Well there could be multiple explanations but we seem to believe it might be sleep paralysis", he explained. "What is sleep paralysis?" I asked him. I thought that it meant that you couldn't wake up or something. "He's trapped in his dream and we can't seem to wake him up"

Jessica's PoV
Me and Mrs Patterson looked at eachother slowly untill we were cut off by beeping. The doctor turned to us, "I'm sorry but you need to leave now" I looked at the ECG and saw that he was flatlining...
We got rushed out of the ward and all the lights in the waiting room shut off. I tried to turn around and saw a women smiling at me. She had dark blue hair and Dark blue lips that kind of looked like you have been out in the cold to long. I whispered under my breathe, "I know you..." She smiled at me, "you know Darcy?" The lights flickered back on and the lady disappeared. "What's going on?" I asked Mrs Patterson. "What do you mean Jessica?" I looked over and Jason was fine... "I uh- I'm going to school,  I'll be back later", I splurt before running off.

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