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Kai's PoV
I usually sit by the courts with Jason in the mornings after he walks to school with Jessica. Me and Jessica aren't close but I'd like to think we are friends. She used to be one of my closest friends in primary because she was good at playing basketball- that's how I became friends with her and Jason as it goes. Then we moved to this school and we found new friends... I still kinda feel bad about ditching Jess and so does Jason to be honest... he always talks about her and how he "used" to like her. I used quotation marks because its BS. Anyway, he obviously still likes her but ya know... Jason didn't come to the courts today though so I have no idea what's going on. In 2nd lesson Jessica entered class late and sat next to James which coincidentally used to be Jason's best friend...

James' PoV
Jessica came and sat next to me. We didn't choose to sit together, miss just kind of put us together and we became friends. I sometimes hang out with her and alisha but most of the time I hang out with the music club. "So, where have you been then?", Silver buts in. Jess turned around and said, "none of your business. I'm not gonna just give you information to spread" Silver looked upset.
"Those were just rumours..." she mumbled before sitting back in her seat. I kind of felt bad for her but there wasn't exactly much that I thought I should say. "You alright, jess?" She smiled, fakely. "I- not really..." I softly put my hand on top of hers, trying to reassure her a little. "Wanna talk about it?" She shook her head slightly gripping onto my hand a little before letting go. "Well, if you need to talk to anyone... I know you might not agree but Silver is really good to talk to." She raised an eyebrow at me but it made me smile somehow. "How?" She asked.
"Well she hasn't got many friends but that's only because she knows what's right and what's wrong. She likes listening to others "

Jessica's PoV
What James said has been on my mind since he said it. It's lunch now and I'm sitting on the bench next to alisha while she's telling me about some yuri on ice convention she's planning on going to. Do you reckon James is right? Maybe I should apologize...

Silver's PoV
I was sitting my the school's lake listening to music. Mostly Panic! At The Disco. I like sitting here because it makes me feel comfortable. I looked up and saw Jessica walking up to me so I smiled and pulled out my earphones. She sat next to me and looked at the lake. "Hey" she said quietly. I think she assumed that I  was mad at her but I wasn't at all. "Heyo", I smiled. I think she got more confident because she seemed to be more cheery. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was just in a mood." I nodded because honestly I didn't know what to say. "I- well... I don't think I should say", she stated. I smiled, "that's alright, don't worry about it", I grabbed a pebble and skimmed it across the lake. Jess did the same but hers plopped to the bottom. We both started laughing and things fell silent. She rested her head on my lap, I wasn't fussed about it either. She was kinda cute. "I just wanna make sure that you're okay...", I tell her.

Jessica's PoV
Her voice kind of softened me and I can feel myself blushing ever so much. "I-I'm okay, I promise". I dig my face into her stomach since it was warm and cosy. I look up to look at Silver's face but it was the lady from the hospital. "Hey, honey" I jumped up  of Silver's lap and tried scooting away as fast as I could. "What do you want?", I asked it. It stopped and laughed, "Oh silly, Darcy wants your attention. Darcy wants you to see what Darcy sees. Darcy knows what you want to know!" I close my eyes and dig my head into my hands.
"Leave me alone!" I shout
"Are you okay?", I hear. I open my eyes to see Silver again. "I-yeah..."

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