Can't sleep

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Jia was asleep in her room that had mint green walls, tan carpeting, white dressers, and her purple bed. Her brown hair in her face. She had tan skin as she was Indian her eyes brown. She was wearing a white pj top with green pj pants with purple polka dots. She tossed, and turned in bed. It was 6 am. Everyone was asleep. 

    Zain couldn't sleep. He tried, but still he couldn't. He step mom went to check in him sense she knew he hasn't gotten any sleep for the past week. She had long blonde hair, and green eyes. She was wearing a white silk dress. "You need sleep." He looked at her. "I'm fine." She grabbed him. "I bet some one is messing with your head, and that's why. All take you to a warlock tomorrow. I bet they will be able to help Read your thoughts, and see who is messing witch your mind." He didn't seem annoyed about her saying that. "No one is I'm fine." She took him to the kitchen, and made tea. Giving him the tea she had put sleeping potion in the tea. He soon fell asleep. She sighed in relief.

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