Flowers, and magic

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Alex's mom, and dad where talking in there room. There dad Gavin had brown hair, and was wearing a t shirt with a vest. He wasn't The type with abs more the nerdy type. "Now Wendy calm down. I'm sure Zain will be fine. He is a teenager he has alot on his mind." She looked at him angrily. "The boy hasn't slept in weeks! What part of this is fine?!" He rubbed her back. "Maybe someone is messing with his thoughts." He said this so calmly. She calmed down. "Maybe, but if so some warlock is messing with his head. Or worse a demon!" He held her waist, and laid her down. "Don't worry about it. He will be fine. We can get it checked out in the morning." She nodded in agreement. He slowly slid his hand up her leg, and onto her thigh. She slightly moaned. He knew all her weak spots, and how to make her pleased. They had some fun.  In the morning. Jia was getting dressed into black leggings, and a purple t shirt. She brushed her hair, and her teeth. She put on black eye shadow. The eye shadow went well with her skin tone. She went out to school carrying her small black backpack. She was new to school for werewolves so hopefully it would be a good day. In her first class the teacher gave them an assignment, and paired them up with partners. Her senses kicked in she felt kinky around him. She felt energy. As a werewolf she felt hormonal. He felt the same way. It was as if they where ment to be. She was blushing overwhelmed with the feeling. After school she invited him to Get house to work on that project. She hoped to make friends with him sense she had only made two friends at school. Her two friends Liza who had dark brown hair that was in a ponytail and she was Brown, and Kathy who was white, and who was a natural redhead. The project was to take modeling pictures of nature. So he had her get dressed in a short white dress with floral printing. It was beautiful. She also had white nail acrylics and a blue, and white flower crown. He had her sit by flowers well he took pictures. They soon turned the pictures into a slide show in the computer. It was beautiful. They could still feel the energy between them. She got up to go get a glass of water, but fell. She fell into him, and accidently kissed him. He kissed back. It was like magic. They could feel the hot warmth of the kiss, and the spark between them. The kiss was like sugar cookies, but better. She was blushing, but he didn't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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