Bibi aisha

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Bibi Aisha, 18 year aged Afghan girl. In a practice known as baad, Aisha's father promised her to a Taliban fighter when she was 12 years old as compensation for a killing that a member of her family had committed. She was married at 14 and subjected to constant abuse. At 18, she fled the abuse but was caught by police, jailed, and returned to her family. Her father returned her to her in-laws. To take revenge on her escape, her father-in-law, husband, and three other family members took Aisha into the mountains, cut off her nose and her ears, and left her to die. Bibi was later rescued by aid workers and the U.S. military. Her mutilated face on the cover of Time magazine sparked controversy over the threat that looms over every Afghan woman.

By her courage she has transformed herself from the pic above to

By her courage she has transformed herself from the pic above to

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Cover credits to : KrishnaPath

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