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Lonnie, Ben, Jay, Evie and Mal were at the nurse waiting for Carlos to come out. Then, Beast and Belle came in. "Ben? Sweetie, what happened?" Belle asked. Evie teared up. "Um, Chad raped me and he told not to tell anyone and if I did, he'd do it again and he'd hurt Carlos." Evie said. Audrey stood up. "And, then, Carlos kicked Chad's dorm door open and yelled at him then Chad punched him and knocked him out." She finished. "So, Carlos is in there?" Beast asked. "Wow, you sure amazing at stating the obvious, Dad." Ben said, rolling his eyes.

The nurse came out. Everyone stood up. "Carlos is alright, so if anyone wants to see him, go ahead." She said. Evie pushed everyone out the way and looked at them. "Sorry, guys. This is my boyfriend!" She said. Mal followed Evie in. Evie turned around and screamed. Mal covered her mouth. "Shh! He's sleeping!" She said and pointed at Carlos. He was sleeping peacefully. Evie smiled. "Aww! He's so adorable!" She said.

"Ooh! Wanna turn on the radio?" Mal asked. "Girl, you know I do!" Evie said. Mal turned on the radio and their favorite song came on. They both started dancing. "This is our song!" Mal said. "Yep! La Dee Da, the best girl group of all time!" Evie said. They both did the dance from the video to the song. Then, Mal and Evie started to back it up. That's when Carlos woke up. "Oh no, Evie! Don't back that thing up in the nurse's office!" He said. "Or anywhere!" He continued. Mal rolled her eyes. "Evie, your buzzkill boyfriend is awake." She said.

Evie laughed and hugged Carlos. Carlos hugged back. "Are you okay?" Evie asked. Carlos sat up. "Yeah, I'm fine. But Chad won't be." He said. "I'll got ask the nurse of you can go. Bye, lovebirds." Mal said. Evie gasped. "Mal, no! Don't-" She said but it was too late. Mal already closed the door. Evie sighed. Carlos looked at her. "You okay?" He asked.

Evie shook her head. "Carlos, I'm scared. What'll Chad do to me? What'll he do to you? What'll happen to us?" She said, looking down. Mal opened the door quietly and saw Evie and Carlos talking. Carlos lifted Evie's chin up. "Hey, look at me. Nothing will ever happen to us. Okay? I love you so much." Carlos said and Evie looked at him. "And Chad will do nothing to you because you have your best friends and your boyfriend by your side. We'll be okay." He said as he held both of Evie's hands.

Mal snuck up behind Evie and told Carlos to shut up. Mal pushed Evie off the bed Carlos was in and Evie screamed then fell on her butt. Mal laughed and Evie pushed Mal down. Evie got up and sighed, dusting herself off and whipped her hair. Carlos sighed dreamily looking at Evie. Mal got up and saw Carlos drooling over Evie. "Uh, E." Mal said and tapped Evie. She turned around and saw Carlos drooling. She laughed.

"Carlos, you're drooling." Evie said. Carlos snapped out of hid trance and looked at Evie. "No, I'm not!" Carlos said. The three VK's laughed and walked out of the office and everyone hugged Carlos. He laughed. "Wow, everyone missed me!" He said. Audrey hugged Carlos the longest. Evie pushed her off a little. "He's mine!" She said, hugging Carlos. He kissed Evie's neck causing her to laugh because that was her weakest tickling spot. She laughed harder as Carlos showered her with kisses. "Aww! The best couple to ever exist!" Belle said.

Evie smiled. "Thanks." She said and they hung out.

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