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I was always on the blue table in the daycare for some unknown reason. I wasn't by myself though there was 5 other kids on the table Mark, Robby, Jordi, Ella and Jessica. Being at the table meant I had to share my toys and books with the others. None of them were bothered with what I had though well except Jordi. Anything I had he wanted and this I guess aggregated me because I constantly fraught with him. This went on for about 2 weeks straight, just stupid fighting like 'you touch my toys, I'll knock yours on the floor' until I took it a fraction too far and bit jordi! This resulted in him biting me back and needless to say my mum was horrified so she put us both on the naughty room with my nana while she rang Jordi's mum and obviously we continued to fight. Eventually mum walked back in but this time with Jordi's mum. The two of them were shocked at us simply because we were STILL fighting so we were out on the naughty step I was put on the second step and Jordi was put on the fourth and we were told we had to stay there for exactly 5 minutes. As soon as both our mums walked away I ran upstairs and guess who followed? Yup Jordi. After a few minutes of us being in the living area of the daycare our mums realised we weren't on the stairs any more so they began to follow our voices I guess...and to their surprise we were getting along and playing with one another. it's weird to think that after all the fighting and biting that, that boy Jordi would become my best friend. I remember my mum telling is this story when we were 10 and 11. It was the last story she told us on how our friendship began and I'm proud to say nearly 15 years later both me and Jordi are still best friends. At least I hope so anyway... I probably should explain that right? Well when I was 15 I moved to America for a year with the other 3 girls of the band I'm in called Illusion but we kind of had to disappear out of thin air because we couldn't tell anyone about the band until the dotted long was signed and by the time we were able to tell our mates phone numbers had been changed I never heard from Jordi :( . After a year in the US we went over to Australia as that's were Saoirse is from so I realistically didn't get back to England until winter 2012 and I didn't see Jordi because when I got back it was December 23rd and on the 25th both myself and Saoirse were involed in an accident which led to is being put into hospital which meant my search for Jordi was on hold :(

*** A/N ***

So this is the first official chapter of MTF which basically gives an insight to how the Brodi friendship begun :) the next update won't be a chapter as such it's going to be a chapter on the female lead Brooklyn (me) giving you a little description of me as a person :) so yeah if you like the book/fanfic/chapters please don't hesitate to vote and if you have any ideas for chapters drop is an inbox and look for me..all idea credit will go to you :) x

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