Not so happy christmas

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---Dec 2012---

Christmas morning and I'm jetlag...woohoo what a great combo!! Myself and Saoirse had stayed in her apartment back in London due to being jetlag so we decided we would go home home to Essex on Christmas morning but that didn't happen :(

"Brooklyn" I heard Saoirse whisper

"Uhmmmm" I mumbled still half asleep

"It's time to get up, we've got to get going" she said quietly

"Ok" I replied pulling myself out of bed

It still looked dark outside so I checked the time on my phone 06:07 am I groaned at the thoughts of early travels. I already had my Christmas outfit laid out so I put on my black dress and thick cream cardigan. I obviously wore tights and boots considering how cold it was. Once I was dressed I tied my curly blonde hair back into a messy ponytail and since I don't wear make up I just left once that was done. I walked to the kitchen were Saoirse was and she handed me a coffee in a travel mug

"Ready to go" Saoirse smiled

"Yup" I relied grabbing my bag

"Johns outside so neither of us are driving" Saoirse smiled


"J to the E to the T to the lag" she replied

"Ohhhh kay" I said between laughs

"Oh my gosh am I tired" Saoirse complained getting into the car

"I know" I said in agreement

When we took off I drifted into a light sleep for all of 10 minutes and when I woke up everything began to go wrong.....

We were coming towards a red light and the road was absolutely covered in black ice, so even though we began slowing down the car still skidded causing the whole car to lose control and crash. I don't remember much after that other than holding Saoirse's hand in fear whilst screaming loudly. I remember vaguely hearing sirens but I didn't hear them for long. I didn't know where I was, if I was hurt or if I was wen alive.

On December 27th at 11:25am I woke up. I couldn't for the life of me figure out where I was or what was going on until a nurse came in to check on me. She had told me I sustained a minor head injury due to the force I was thrown at, I had whiplash and I had bruised my back. It still took me a few minutes to come to realisation as to where exactly I was by the time I had my nana was in my room crying, but the first thing I asked was were Saoirse was. If anything bad had happened her i would have been gutted. My nana explained everything she had been told about the crash and our injuries. Saoirse had hurt her neck was it broken? I don't know all I did know was she was still unconscious. I immediately wanted to see her so I began to argue with the nurse until she give in an brought me a precaution I was transferred via a wheelchair. When we reached Saoirse's room all I could do was cry she looked so lifeless which scared me..what if there's more to her injuries than were being told? She was wearing a neck brace and her boyfriend who looked extremely tired was holding her hand..when he seen me he got up and gave me a gentle hug then went back to Saoirse. I didn't want to leave her but I had to..BUT I made sure I got to spend nearly all day in her room until she woke up.

On January 4th 2013 Saoirse finally woke up :) at this stage I had been discharged as my injuries weren't life threatening or serious but I still went to see her everyday with her boyfriend..I prayed that her injuries wouldn't be life threatening either and thankfully god was on both of our sides when the crash happened and our time in the hospital because on January 14th Saoirse was discharged with no serious injuries just a bruises neck.

For weeks/months after the accident neither of us were aloud to do anything we were constantly at home instead of at rehearsals but that's all about to change now as we're going on tour this month and when I say we're I mean's been roughly 7 months since our accident and we've officially healed and been given the all clear so I guess we can now officially and happily say Illusion are back baby!!!!

A/N >>>>>>>

to anybody reading this I'm so very sorry for the long long wait I've been super duper busy but as an I'm sorry here's an update!!! Obviously for the sake of the fanfic all of the crash ordeal above was and is made up so don't go believing this really happened because it didn't :) if you are enjoying the kick off to my Jordi Whitworth fanfic please don't hesitate to fan/comment/vote :) for now I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will speak to you at the end of the next chapter :) - Brooklyn xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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