Info/Meeting the pyro

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YN. Her parents died at the age of 4. She was taken in by a dragon named Crystaila.The power of ice. The age of when YN's parents died, she took in YN. Even though fire and ice might not mix well, Igneel and Crystaila (Christ-tail-lia) were the best of dragon friends, they always visited each other, bringing YN and Natsu. "H-Hi. I'm YN. Are you N-Natsu?" YN asks shy behind the leg of Crystaila.
Jumping out from behind the great Igneel's leg, Natsu says: "The one and only!" And flashed the famous signature closed eye smile.
Time skip--
Crystaila and YN went back to their home and had a little.... talk.
"YN listen, All dragons must go back to where they belong because soon they will turn to true dragons and...." YN says: "will you remember me?" Crystaila chuckles. "Of course, I just won't be able to speak to you like this and I might not be able to see you ever again.... Because if that I want you to do something for me." YN nods her head as in for Crystaila to go on with what she was saying. "Join a guild, Be Strong And Make many friends and lastly always remember that I love you and stay safe." YN ran with tears in here eyes to the ice motherly dragon. "Y-Yes. I will do a-all of that for you. D-Does N-N-Natsu know?" YN was trying to talk between gasps of air. But when she said Natsu's Name, she stuttered. Does she like him? I guess it's okay. Thought Crystaila. "I have taught you everything you know but your most powerful magic is the ice dragon slayer magic. And I don't think he knows. Now it's getting dark, go to the pond and wash up." Crystaila says softly. YN smiles a bit and runs off to the pond, washed up and went to sleep.
Time skip to morning---
It was the next day but something was missing no someone.
YN pov: I woke up on the hard floor. My 4 year old back was aching like crazy. Oh yeah, Crystaila..... She had to go. I thought remembering what happened last night. I walked off on my own to Natsu's place and saw him there crying.
"Natsu!" I yell out his name and ran beside him. "I-I-Igneel. He's g-Gone!" Natsu cried. I took him into a tight embrace. He hugged me back the second my arms were wrapped around him. He finally calmed himself down. "Y-Y/N? Did C-Crystaila leave too?" He asks me. Tears started up in my eyes now. I was holding in the thought that the one who raised me like their own left, and all the dragons had to leave as well. "Y-Yeah. But S-S-she told me to stay strong and move on so I'm gonna do it for her!" I say a bit with confidence.

Natsu's POV: What?! Crystaila told YN that? YN was crying on my chest, her h/c hair sprawled all over her face, tears running down soaking my shirt. Anger boiled up. I wish I could keep hugging her but the thing is.... I can't. She got over the fact that Crystaila left and starts crying now?! Like WHAAAT?! I pushed her off and walked away.

YN pov: Natsu? "HOW DARE YOU?!" He screams at me half turned around. "W-What?" I say shrinking down a little since I was starting to be frightened by him. "DONT PLAY THIS GAME WITH ME!! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" Natsu was still screaming at me. I stood up and said "W-What are YOU TALKING ABOUT?! IF THIS IS OVER CRYSTAILA JUST SO YOU KNOW.... I LOVE HER!! SHE LOVES ME SHE WAS LIKE THE MOTHER TO ME UNLIKE THE REAL ONE THAT I BARELY KNEW!! I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT SO BE QUIET! JUST SHUT IT!" I scream. Covering my mouth I said : "N-Natsu? I didn't mean it. I was ju-"
"NO! Leave me alone." These were his final words before him running off.
Time skip 3 years l8r----
"Omg! Look! It's the Mystic Mage!"
"She's here?"
"Who's that?"
"Sweetheart that's a powerful strong young wizard."
I'm now 8 years old with a title for the others to know. The Mystic Mage. I wanted to join a guild. I went around asking where I should join and most answers was a guild called : FairyTail.
*SCHHHHHT* "Magnolia Station!" This was my stop!
Time skip to front of guild____
Pushing open the guild doors it went silent. I walked down the clear path. Well it was silent then I saw two little boys fighting. A pink haired one and a shirtless... dark navy blue haired guy. Wait SHIRTLESS?!
"Ahem. *Bashes head together* Put some clothes on you weirdo." I say calmly. The shirtless boy pouted. "Haha! Gray you just got told!" Some girl said. She was wearing a yellow flannel dress. "Shut It Cana!" Gray said. "MASTER!!!!! THERES A NEW GIRL!!!" Some little girl With whitish hair said. She smiled and said "Hi! My name is Lisanna!" I smiled and said: "Hi! My name's YN! Nice to meet you. And um I wanna join this guild so-" I got cut off by some shirt old man. "Hello dear, of course you can! I'm the master of this guild and you can call me master or gramps!" I smiled and asked to join. "Yay! Thanks!" I got the symbol on B/P/W/S (Body part with symbol) that is the color of (your choice). The pink haired kid walked up to me. It hit me. "N-Natsu?" "Y-YN?" We asked at the same time. We hugged one another and on the side I can tell that Lisanna was getting a little grumpy. "So, Can everyone please tell me your names? I want to get to know all of you." I say a bit shy. Normally I'm not like this and Natsu could tell he stood there blushing a little but with his mouth open. "Unless your trying to catch bugs keep your trap shut" I said. Everyone chuckled, told me their names and told me what they can do. "Gramps? Do you have some type of place where I can fight anyone?" I ask. He ended up showing me the arena.
"First up YN vs. Gray." A smirk was sprawled upon my face. Couldn't say the same about Gray though. "FIGHT!!"
"Make the first move stripper boy." I say. I could tell I pissed him cause he said: "Ice Make: Lance." I swiftly dodged it and then some "ohh! Ahhhh!" So they were mostly impressed. "ICE DRAGON!!! ROAAARRRR!!!" A big burst of ice was blown and he got hit and knocked out. "SHES A DRAGON SLAYER?!" Some of the members but Natsu was shocked.

Natsu X Reader|| The Fate of two Dragon Slayers||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz