|| Chapter 46 ||

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PUBLISHED: 10/23/20



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He takes us to my bedroom, guiding the door open with his foot and promptly closing it. My back gracefully touches the comforter as Sam sets me down on the bed, his lustful eyes never leaving mine.

"When do you think they'll be back?" I ask, nibbling on my lip at the thought of grazing my tongue along the sensitive spots on his neck.

"I don't care," he says, his lips hovering over mine, "I'm not opening that door until I'm done with you."

"And how long should that take?" I close the gap, pulling him in for another kiss.

He hums sarcastically against my mouth, the strands of his hair tickling my face. "However long I can get you for...Nona."

I suck in a breath and slowly exhale, biting down on my tongue at the reference to my supposed stripper name. "You're proud of that, aren't you? Quite possibly the worst name you could've come up with."

He laughs, delighted by my slightly irritated reaction. "I'll admit it wasn't the best choice."

I smirk, sitting up on the bed, and undo the last few buttons of his flannel. "Luckily for you, I don't have any other appointments."

He leans in, his lips lingering dangerously close to mine. "Good."

A shiver rolls down my spine at the hunger in his voice, that carnal desire that yearns to touch every square inch of my body and leave me begging for more. We've been at this crossroads many times before, but it always ended before it could really start. And this time, no one is on the other side of the closed door.

I dive right into his mouth, yanking the flannel over his shoulders and down his arms. Sam frees himself from the long sleeve, his chest still covered by a t-shirt, and pulls me onto his lap. He grabs both sides of my face as his lips devour me, trailing down my face and neck.

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