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t-minus two days.

he took me for ice cream after lunch, holding my hand so tight. i never wanted him to let go.

"am i selfish if i tell you i dont want you to go on tour?" we stood in the band house's kitchen, my arms wrapped around his waist and my cheek against his back. i felt him laugh.

"a little, but no ones judging you. why? whats wrong?" he turned around in my arms, placing a kiss onto the top of my head.

"i dont know.. i just dont want to miss you." i sighed, pressing my forehead into his chest. he smelled so good. i cant even explain it. its a mix of our laundry detergent, his cologne and just him. its the most delightful smell, i could drown in it.

"its only a month you wont see me. then we'll have quickies before shows, i'll take you to pretty places when we're on breaks, and i'll buy you a flower from every city." i felt the vibrations from his chest on my face. i grinned and pulled back to look at him.

"thats cute." i pouted, "stop being perfect. i just want you to leave and that whole month to pass by fast so i can see you again."

he threw his head back laughing.

michael and calum walked in.

"whats up, ready for band orgies, lukey?" michael grinned, clapping his hand on lukes shoulder. i raised my eyesbrows at him.

"i will kill all of you." i threatened.

"relax baby, you can join in the fun." calum said after grabbing a beer, he left a wet kiss on my cheek.

"hey!" luke exclaimed, swatting him away, "back off, you animals." i laughed at his sudden grip around me.

"calum why aren't we in love like this?" michael frowned.

"what do you mean? like.. disgusting in love? like spelling my name out in hickies on your boobs? or making you burnt cupcakes on our anniversary? or literally telling everyone im in love with you?"

those all hit so close to home, "calum you're a dick." i pouted. "you dont have to expose us. you're just mad no ones on your tip every night."

"yo you know what i actually am. luke you wanna give up your girl for a bit? i'd be more than happy to take her off your hands." he grinned, pulling my hand and tearing me from luke, only to wrap a hand around my waist and dip me like we were dancing.

"you guys are pervs. give me my girlfriend back." luke demanded. calum laughed and spun me into lukes arms.

"we're only messing. love you guys." michael said as he dragged calum out of the room. i watched them leave, calum winking at us before rounding the corner.

"i can't stand them."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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