Chapter 4

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I bring Comet with me to the woods because, Eli seemed to like Comet. He might even break the awkwardness between us. What a good dog. I take my steps slowly to look around for Eli, but so far i cant see him. Maybe he's probably busy? Or maybe yesterday was only a one time occurance? Or did something happend?

I look down at Comet and tell him, "Sorry boy, i think he's not here today". I look up and make a final sweep on the woods to check if he's really here. No. Nothing.

Sigh. I guess i'll just come back tomorrow.

"Hey Comet?"

I must look a bit weird talking to my dog because of vourse he wont answer. But i still continue.

"Am i weird for wanting to be friends with a boy i just met?"

Comet looks up and tilts his head, then scratches his ears.

I tell myself comforting words.

Its not weird.

Its good, Lyka. That you want to have friends.

Yea i guess, it is good. I finally thought.

I reach the house and see a person standing on our porch. He looks like Eli, hahaha. Same brown hair, pale and tall. Me and my hallucinatio-

He turns around. Knew it.

Its him. He is on my porch. At my house. In the woods.

I shout,"Hey! Can i help you?"

I slowly approach him, one step at a time, breathe in and breathe out, its my chance to say sorry and ask if he wants to come in and have some juice or coffee and have a conversation.

I see something in his hands. Its shiny and silver. And has a key...
My eyes widened.

"Uhm.. i think thats mine?"

He blinks then looks down at it, "Yea i came here to give it back to you, i saw it on the ground when you left. Its a pretty necklace".


He gives it to me and i clutch it for a moment then put it in my pocket. I look at him and say, "Want something to drink? Or eat? You might have walked a long way to get here. And it would be nice to apologize to you because i rushed away. I would also like to get to know you" i smile.

He looks thankful, "Really? I would be delighted to munch on some of your delicacies and drinks if you dont mind. I bet they will be really good. And yea we can get to... know each other better, why not?" He smiles too.

"Ok! Well, welcome to mi casa.", i open the door infront of him and let him in first. But he refuses and wants me to go in first.

"No-no. Ladies first.", he swoops his hand pointing to the door, we laugh out loud together.

"Why thank you, Eli." I give him a big grin.

"No problem, Lyka.", He laughs and we both get in.

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