U P D A T E!

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Lmao, I'm so frekn sorry for not updating in MONTHS!
But there's been a LOT going on. My depression has been getting worse which kinda prevents me from writing :/
Me and my girlfriend broke up. (And I found out that I was gay)

But good things that have happened!

I got to see Danny, Arin and Jack at 'Ready Player Three' in Copenhagen!:D
I found out that I was gay :P *Wink WONK* (jk)
My writing has gotten ALOT better. 
I have become a HUGE fander so, (Check out my Sander Sides stories ples-)

And I've become more satisfied with my writing!
And the book reached 3,3K READERS!!?

I've been BOMBARDED with messages and votes lately and honestly, thank you all so, so, so much!

All the support you have giving me too is also so amazing!

Shit- Just thank you all so much!

I'll try to start on writing a new chapter now!
See you all soon!

- Joel ;D

You're happier, aren't you? | Jacksepticeye x Male reader - DISCONTINUED!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu