이십 이

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Mark's POV

I looked at my right. It's Soo Hae. Why am I with her at the playground? Her voice that called my name echoed in my ears, causing me to look at her.

" Hey Mark! " She shouted with her pretty smile. I couldn't help but to smile back at the sight. I walked to her, but I managed to pick a small flower before I reached her.

" What is it Soo Hae? "

" Don't stay far from me, Mark. Honestly it's scary. " She exclaimed and started to hug me. I smiled as I swiped some hair from her face. I pinched her cheeks , and she pouted.

" Why are you pinching me ? " She pouted, and I couldn't help myself but to giggle at her cuteness. I kissed her forehead , and she blushed. " Come on Mark! Don't make me blush " She buried her head on my body and I hugged her tighter.

" I promise I won't go far away, as long as you won't leave me. " I sticked out my pinky finger and she linked it with hers. I released the hug and looked at the flower that a picked.

I placed it on her hair near to her ears, and she suddenly giggled. My heart keeps shaking when I hear that laugh, and I think my lungs are going to burst any second.

" Come on Mark, let's go to get some ice cream ! " She whined like a small kid and pulled me to cross the road. She released my hand, and I suddenly got scared.

She ran to the road but suddenly she kneeled down and tied her shoelace. I just walked slowly, knowing that nothing bad will happen.

But then, I realized that I was wrong. A car was speeding towards her, causing me to run to her as fast as I can and I immediately pushed her away, far from the car.

I closed my eyes, knowing that I'll get hit, and yes. The car hit my body. I feel to the ground, and I can hear Soo Hae shouting my name.

" Mark ! "

" Soo Hae " I answered with a trembling voice. I spitted out blood, but I quickly wiped it out. Nothing stopped. I keep spitting bloods out.

" Mark! Please hang in there. I'll call 999 quickly. " She exclaimed but I grabbed her hand to stop her.

" Soo Hae, no. I won't survive. Please remember this. I am taking the hit because I love you, I love you a lot. I will do anything for you. Please don't do anything silly when I'm gone. Thank you for letting me to be your protec- "

" ARGH " I shouted, waking up from my sleep. I panted, looking for air. I sweated a lot and there's Haechan beside me, giving me a weird look.

" Mark, you're okay? " He asked, looking at my eyes. I nodded, saying that it's just a bad dream. He offered me a glass of water and I gulped everything in that glass.

I stared on the gray tiles as I remember that weirdass dream.

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