Chapter 3

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And zach was practicing in the court.
As soon as I saw him, I just turned away and started to walk away like I didn't see him.
"Hey weirdo. Stop" I heard his deep husky voice from behind that made me stop.
I turned around and saw him walking towards me. Even though I was getting anxious with every step he took forward but I didn't let him see it on my face.
He came and stood in front of me. He was taller than me and his eyes were fixed at mine.

"What's your problem" he asked.
"Excuse me" I said in confusion. I literally wanted to runaway from him and never wanted to see him again. He has some kind of power to make me nervous for no reason.

"Why do you always run or change your path when you see me" he said looking at me.
"No.. I just wanted to.. wanted .." I was stammering and regretting this conversation so much.

"Wanted to?" he repeated. "You were rude to me on the very first day when I bumped into you so.." I blurted out and soon regretted it.
"So you are scared of me?" even though it sounded like a question but there was a hint of sarcasm in it.
"Um no it just that.." I was wondering what to say next when he took one step forward.
"So you are scared of me" he was just taking a step forward and I took one step backward.

"Ahh.. no. I mean.." I was stammering while taking a step back.

Soon my back hit the wall and as I tried to go his hands blocked my way. I was pinned against the wall and he was so close to me.
"So you are scared of me" he whispered. I wasn't able to say anything.

His face got closer to me and his eyes kept looking at me and then at my lips. Suddenly he got closer to me and as I thought that he's going to kiss me he whispered " Not here, Not today. But soon".
He smirked and left. I was shocked that I was going to give up today.
I thought that I have to make myself more stronger. It was the only to survive here.

**** In the class ****

"Where were you, Mayra" eva whispered from the back.
"I was just roaming around" I whispered back.

"So students we will be having 4 people in each group but 2 of them will be your seniors. So this is the first assignment for you all. You have to investigate a case I'm giving to you and solve it. So after this class your seniors will come and when everyone is here I'll announce the name. So until then lets see how we'll do this project." Mrs. Smith said.

After sometime our seniors came into our class and sat in the vacant seats.
"So as I'll call out the name you have to take the paper and sit together" mrs smith cleared out.
" Ariel, Adam, Eva and Aaron" she called out the first group and continued.
" James, Mayra, Zach and Jenna" finally I knew whom I have the project with 2 people I have never talked to and 1 who tempt me today.

Jenna was my classmate but i never talkex to her she was the kind of girls who are attention seeker.

James was the guy eva was speaking to today. I hope the project finishes soon.

"So where are we studying today" jenna asked simply.
"My house?" james said.
"Yeah it's fine" zach said getting up from the seat.
"So see you after college" james said getting up. Jenna followed him and zach.

I turned around to see eva but she wasn't there maybe she also left. I decided to join james , jenna and zach.

I ran behind then and started to walk slowly when I matched there pace.

"Where are we going" I asked not knowing. "Library" james said not looking at me.
Zach was busy on the call and was behind me. I was walking beside jenna who kept questioning james some stupid questions.

*** At the library ***

We all sat after we got some books and decided to issue few of them.
After 15 minutes we took 7 books and issued them.
"So we have a class in 5 minutes we'll see you girls in parking lot" zach said.

"I Don't have the car" jenna said looking at zach hoping he would give her a lift.
"Hey weirdo, do you have a car and if you have it, you both come together" zach said, looking at me.
I simply nodded not feeling like speaking or talking back.

Zach and James left.

"Zach and James both are so hot" jenna said.  I simply looked at her and we both returned to the class to take our bags and books.

"Do you like anyone" jenna asked and suddenly I remembered zach's face.
"Umm, No" I simply answered.

She wasn't happy with my answer.

*** At the parking lot ***

" Look james and zach are there" jenna told me pointing at the boys.
"Hey follow us. Okay" james said and we all got in our cars.

After sometime we reached in a front of apartment. It had like 18 or more floors.
We parked our cars and walked where james was waiting for us.

"So you live alone" jenna asked him.
"Yes" he responded.

We got in his house and for the first time I saw a boy's houseso clean
"It's so clean" I blurted.
"Yes. Its so clean and pretty" jenna spoke.

"You all sit in the living room. I'll make some samdwiches for you all" james said.

"You need help? Jenna asked him. "If you want to help" james stated.

They both went to the kitchen leaving me and zach alone. It was only today when that incident happened and I'm here sitting with him again.

"So what's your name weirdo" Zach asked cheekily.
"I think you hearf it when Mrs. Smith called out our names" I answered a bit sarcasticly.
"Don't add too much Sass. I wouldn't be able to control myself" he said shifting towards me.

"So what's your name" he asked again.
"Mayra" I said wanting end the convo there.
"The name is more prettier than you"
"I'll take it as a compliment" I said not looking at him.

Suddenly his phone started to ring and he got up and picked up the call
"Hey babe, yes. Definitely we'll meet tonight. Okay. " he was talking on his maybe with his girlfriend.

"Forget it" I rolled my eyes and opened the book.

After some time james and jenna came back with 4 plates.

We chatted a little, got to know each other and did half of our assignment.

"It's 7:00 p.m . I think we should leave" I said noticing the time and looking at them.

"Yeah okay" james said.

"So early" zach added.

"Yeah we should leave." Jenna said looking at her mobile.

"Zach can you drop me. Please." Jenna  requested him and he nodded.

We all left.

This day was so long. I don't know what's in store for tomorrow.

A/N: Hey people. Thanks for whoever who is reading this. I know there maybe several grammar mistake but I promise you it'll get better when you all will read more. Please share it.
I hope you like it. And I just want to tell you that is not a simple love story. There will be a plot change in Chapter 8 until then keep reading and think about what it could be.
Thank you and love you guys.💞

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