C H A P T E R 4

578 21 5

Yoongi's POV

I was going to the canteen to buy some food. Out of no where there is a girl who suddenly appeared and I accidentally bumped her. I didn't want to apologize.

I looked at her being curious who is she... Wait I know her she's my weird and cold seatmate. What's her name again? Kim Meji? Kim Jini? No it's something like Jen... Ahh... Right Kim Jennie

I took my last glance and walked away

She have been calling me and it really irritated me. So I faced her.

I asked her if she's talking to me with a matching pointing at my face

"Yes, you"

"What do you want?" I asked her crossing my arms together and walking forward

"Pay for my milk" she stated with her wprds I stopped my pace towards her

"Sorry but I can't and I will never ever" with my last words I walked away from her...

Ahh... At last I'm hungry

I was smilling while walking but I felt someone pulled my hair. And guess who is it. No other than Kim Jennie

"You don't want to pay for my milk?"

"Yes, Is there a problem?"

"Nothing just making sure"
With that she let go of my hair and I thanked her and gave her my signature gummy smile

I hope me and Jennie would be friends....

Author's note
Sorry this is just a small update its already 12:18 here

Mr.Imperfect meets Ms.Perfect (Yoonie)Where stories live. Discover now