Chapter 4

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Gemma Arterton as Aena <3

-1148 words-

"Lady Ayla, breakfast is being served. I am here to escort you to the dining room"

It was a young girl with a soft voice. I quickly dressed in a blue dress that fit me perfectly.

"I'm coming" I called.

I left my room and came face to face with a young maid. She has brown hair and beautiful brown orbs. I smiled at her. She looked the same age as me.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Aena, my lady. I am your personal maid" she answered.

"Please, call me Ayla" I said and smiled at her.

"If you wish, my la- I mean Ayla" she smiled shyly. I knew I could trust her.

As she led me to the dining room I realized how hungry I really was. But I had to think about the boy in the dungeon.

"Aena, do you know who has a key to the prison cells?" I asked her.

"I- I- I guess the prison guard and the king. The prison guard, Sir Kero, is a despicable man" she looked around herself before she turned to me again.

"Sometimes he tortures the prisoners without the king telling him to. Sometimes he doesn't feed the prisoners. And sometimes he just leaves the dungeon to drink with his friends" she whispered to me.

So maybe yesterday I was just lucky, when I went to the dungeon. But this Sir Kelo will pay for his doings. He will the key to the boy's and my freedom. I will just steal his key when he asleep after drinking alcohol. Then we can escape our fates and Kelo will be held responsible for his actions.

We reached the dining room in no time. Aena opened the door for me and announced me as "Lady Ayla". I thanked her silently before she closed the door and left.

The king sat at the same place as yesterday. He looked up when I entered. His blue eyes bore into mine.

"Sit" he gestured to his right and I obeyed. My hunger was getting the best of me.

Warm bread, fruits, eggs, cake and juice was served. The food smelled divine. I began to eat and drink filling my stomach with the delicious food.

When I looked up, I realized that Lavus was watching me. I felt awkward.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing" he answered. He is very talkative, I realized.

We ate in silence. Soon he stood up and was about to go.

"Where are you going?" I asked him in disbelieve.

"I am the king. I have duties to fulfill" he answered.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I asked as I stood up.

"As long as you don't try to run away, I don't really care. You can read in the library. Aena will show you the way"

He left me in shock. He is an arrogant, impolite jerk. I will never marry him.

Well, good for me if he didn't care. It would make things a lot easier. But I couldn't deny the sting caused.

I left the room and decided to go outside. Aena was by my side again. The butler gave me my cloak, and we were on our way.

I have to give the king his due. The garden was beautiful. The snow covered the trees and flowers. It was cold but I didn't care. We walked around and talked a lot about everything.

She told me her story and how she came to this castle.

"My parents were poor. They couldn't provide for my siblings and me. It was a very hard time, and we had to panhandle. We had barely enough food to survive. We had debts by the king. I was ready to serve the king to settle it. He accepted and Sir Nicolas took me to the castle"

She blushed when she mentioned Nicolas. I smiled at that. Hopefully they will get their happy end.

"I owe the king everything. If he didn't take me in, I would be dead." she smiled.

"I understand" Maybe I misjudged Lavus.

We went back inside.

"Lunch will be served shortly" she said.

When I ate lunch, I was alone. Lavus was doing his duty as king and wasn't eating.

I took a whole plate of fruits, potatoes and meat and a big cup of water with me.

When I reached the dungeon, the door was open. I hurried to the poor boy and gave him the cup and the food from the plate.

He ate and drank greedily. I have to think of a way to free him.

"Oh, the pretty lady is back" the same prisoner as last time spoke. He disgusted me.

Suddenly I heard a rustle and footsteps coming this way. I searched for a hideout but found nothing. So I hid behind the door with the plate in my hands. Some prisoners snickered at me.

When the door opened I saw the back of a huge man with brown hair and a set of keys at his side. This must be Sir Kero.

"Did you miss me, my prisoners?" he said in mock.

" Sir, someone gave the little Max food" said the creepy prisoner.

"What?" Kero stormed to the boy, who I assumed was Max.

Then I remembered that I left the cup in his prison cell.

It is now or never.

I lunged at Kero and smashed the empty plate on his head. He stumbled around and I punched him in the face one last time.

He fell on the ground with a loud thud. Then the other prisoners began to scream and cry. I hurriedly took the keys and searched for the right one. When I opened Max'door he stood there with his big grey eyes and stared at me.

"Come, you are free!" I grasped his hand and dragged him out of the dungeon. Soon we exited the castle.

"Ayla? What are you doing?" I turned around in shock.

It was Aena and I sighed in relief.

"Aena, I need your help. I have to hide this boy. He was in prison"

"You broke into prison?" she asked shocked.

"Please, help me. Look at this poor boy. They didn't feed him, and he is just a child"

"I am on my way to the city. I could take him with me and hide him with my parents" she said reluctantly.

"Thank you, thank you!" I cried out of joy.

I placed him behind her on the horse and looked at him one last time.

"Thank you my lady" he said to me and smiled.

I smiled at him and watched as they ride away. I was just lucky I guess.

"What did you do?"


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See you soon <3

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