Chapter 6

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I walked down the aisle with my father at my side.

Lavus was standing there in all his glory. He was dressed elegantly and his blue eyes bore into mine. They were hypnotizing me. It took me a while to look away.

Next to him stood Sir Nicolas with a smile on his face. Soon I stood before Lavus. He took my small hands in his big one.

"You look beautiful, my dear" he whispered to me.

The priest started to talk. I didn't listen to what he was saying. I was focused on Lavus and the warm grasp he had on my hands. It felt....good. 

I had to remind myself that he forced me to this. I had to remind myself that I needed to fight this. 

In a few minutes, my freedom was leaving me. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard  Lavus speaking. His voice was clear and strong.

"I, king Lavus, take you, Ayla, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you, until death do us apart"

Now it was my turn. I would sign my unfreedom. But I had no choice. I want to live.

My voice was shaky and quiet as I spoke the same words Lavus just said.

  "I, Ayla, take you, king Lavus, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you, until death do us apart"  

I hope nobody heard the shaking of my voice.

We exchanged the rings.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Oh no. I totally forgot about this. I tried to hide my shock.

Lavus put one hand around my waist and the other on my neck. He pulled me towards him and leaned down. Before his lips touched mine, I closed my eyes and let it happen.

It was soft at first. His warm lips send shivers down my spine. My lips started to tingle in a pleasant way. My whole body was on fire. Does he feel this too?

Soon he pulled away but his hands stayed on my waist. 

The wedding guest stood up and applauded. I didn't know most of them, except my family, Sir Nicolas and Aena. Suddenly music started to play. People stood around the dance floor. 

Lavus led me to the middle of it. It was a waltz.

And then, we started to dance. I didn't have to do anything, he guided me. I couldn't help but relax right now. Dancing was so much fun.

Soon other people followed and we stopped.

Strangers came to congratulate us.

My family was there too.

My mother had happy tears in her eyes, as she hugged me. 

"You look so beautiful" said my sister. She didn't understand any of this. So I gave her a big smile and hugged her too.

The whole celebration seemed surreal to me. We ate cake, we danced, and we chatted with people.

The whole evening Lavus didn't leave my side. I felt like a little trophy to the king. But his side kept me warm. 

Soon the sun began to set. The snow sparkled through the orange light. It was beautiful. The guests started to leave. My family was the last one to leave. They waved me goodbye as they entered the carriage that took them away.

Now it was silence. No one was here, except Lavus and me.

"Come, it is time" he said.

His arm was around my waist as we walked to the beautiful cottage.

Before we could enter, Lavus scooped me up in his arms. I let out a small squeak, and he chuckled at that. I hold onto him, because I didn't want to fall.

"It's the tradition" he said as he carried me bridal style through the door. It was warm inside.

He carried me upstairs, and we entered the bedroom I had slept in. He gently laid me down on the bed. I looked at him and his blue eyes never failed to hypnotize me. The chimney fire was mirrored in them as he watched me.

But the magic was broken when he started to undress himself. He began to loosen his belt with the sword. In my panic I sat up and moved against the headboard.

The wedding night! 

I was virgin and I never had contact with the other sex.

Lavus seemed to realize that too because he stopped undressing and came over to me.

Before I could do anything he was on top of me and pinned my hands down.

I felt helpless in this situation, so I did the only thing I could think about.

"Let me go!!" I screamed and struggled in his grip.

But it was useless. I couldn't move, and he wouldn't let go of me.

"Hey, calm down. You are my wife now. You have to relax. It will only hurt in the beginning but I promise you will enjoy it"

I didn't relax. I screamed and struggled even more. I didn't want this. I couldn't let this happen to me.

But soon I had no energy left and went limp in his grip. My lungs hurt from screaming and my body was exhausted and refused to follow my mind.

Lavus leaned down and his head was inches away from my neck. Tears started to flow down my face.

I don't want this. I want my freedom.

But before his mouth could touch my skin there was a loud crash downstairs.

Lavus immediately looked up as he hovered over me. His face scanned the room for any sign of danger.

Another crash could be heard and the king rose to his feet and took his sword.

He looked back at my devastated form. This was serious. Was someone here? 

"Stay here" he commanded me. 

He quietly opened the door and sneaked away. His retreating back merged into darkness.

I didn't move. My body was still shocked. Who was in the house? A thief? A murderer?

Soon I heard a slice and a thud.

I sprinted to the living room. I almost tripped on my wedding dress.

What I saw was horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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