Chapter 7

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Around midnight, that night, two new arrivals came along. There was a loud, almost angry, knock on the door. It echoed through the halls and woke up Victorine as she lay with her blanket tucked in under her. She slid down on the pole, followed by Pauline. The three boys were walking out, too. They gathered on the balcony overlooking the front entrance.

All of them peeked down, past the small chandeliers to see the two dark-haired young ladies come through the door to Ms.Kion standing right on the other end of the door. Victorine climbed right on the sandstone-like railing and nimbly crawled on it for a closer look at the young arrivals. They brought little, yet seemed to expect little. They just seemed relieved. One looked like she'd been desperate up until that minute, and the other just looked ticked. They revealed their names as Jacey and Yolanda. Victorine tilted her head a bit and thought.

Parker ran in from another end of the room and swept the one called Jacey off her feet and spun her around. He kissed her forehead until there were red marks showing up all over it. She giggled the entire time like the best surprise ever was sinking in. Once she was let down to the floor again, Victorine came to her conclusion.

"I see the two of you know each other,"Ms.Kion stated, flatly.

"W-yeah," Jacey said.

"She's my-"Parler began, with an arm around her.

"Frickin' love of his frickin' life," Yolanda groaned. "I know, I've heard a lot about it. Now, I just drove for a whole day and a half straight in a car with frickin' windows blown out in the dark rain. I'm tired, so where's this frickin' couch I've been promised."

"Before I answer any questions, welcome to Haven Manor,"Ms.Kion introduced. "You could call me Ms.Kion."


"And you shall follow all our rules."


"And...the couch is upstairs."

"Bye." Yolanda stomped away, the bags under her eyes sagging. She turned around right after. "God, why's this place so big!?"

And that left Jacey and Parker. "We could find a couch for you,"Ms.Kion."

"Well, she could always share with me," Parker suggested, as she raised an eyebrow; and Buckley snickered. "But not like..."

"Not like what your thinking," Jacey finished. "We won't..."

"I'll trust that," She insinuated with a discreet glare. "Asha's sharing that room anyways. I wish you were able to meet the others right now."

"We're up here!"Buckley exclaimed. The cousins all waved down from the balcony.

"Damnit! There are kids here, too?"Yolanda grumbled as she stomped down the upstairs hall. The corner of her eyes latched onto Victorine. "You little like an animal from far away."

The young women stomped her way to the couch by the piano, and practically dropped dead. When looking back down at the entrance, Victorine's eyes wandered up to what looked like a vent, right above one of the mini chandeliers. It was very dark up there, and very hard to make out...but for a moment, it looked like a face was peeking in.

"Wh-Go to bed!"Ms.Kion commanded. Before they walked off, they witnessed Parker pull Jacey closer and kiss her passionately

"Ew," the twins and Horace said.

"Lucky," Timothy uttered under his breath. Victorine just watched...until she had to follow everyone else back.

The next morning, everyone had a formal chance to meet these new arrivals. They were sitting in the dining room, though there was barely any room less. Some chance said a quick hello, but others, such as Pauline, who walked right up to Jacey, and asked,"I'm guessing you're the one who gave Parker cooties."

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