Chapter 27

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It took about ten minutes for everyone to get into their swimming attire within about ten minutes. Everyone was rather silent, trying not to stir up another argument. No more than a grumble or a stomp was heard throughout most of the ordeal. Mrs.Daniels took out a long-chained key and opened up the door, releasing a strong smell of chlorine. Everyone filed in quickly, aggressively hopped in the pool.

Victorine stayed in the center of the pool, switching between practicing handstands and artsy backflips to watching the characters around her. Horace and Timothy stuck together (for once), glaring at everyone and occasionally eyeing the girls (or Edd, in Horace's case). Pauline stared down at her feet and swam around aimlessly, keeping to herself and staying in her head. Asha tagged on behind her, knowing that Pauline probably needed a friend. Jacey and Yolanda stayed in a corner, not too far away from isolated Anais. Melissa stayed out of the pool and by the door, not wanting to put her precious baby in the water. As usual, Opal and Gina stayed together and stayed out of it.

People seemed to stick to being in groups of two or alone. Spreading out the enemies appeared to be the best strategy at this point. If someone had to speak, they whispered it in their friend's ear. Only the sound of mutters and splashes was heard. When Victorine went underwater, the blood rushes through her brain seemed louder than a train crash.

As the tension-filled silence dragged on, Victorine noticed that the pool was a little bit warmer than usual, and in an odd way. The air over the pool felt a bit colder than the water itself. There was an odd chill along the border between water and air. It was tolerable enough to keep on swimming, and Victorine decided it didn't need much attention...yet.

Opal fiddled with her fingers a lot as she took deep breaths and looked around. She seemed a bit nervous just standing there after what she'd seen. It was like watching your friend fight with a parent or sibling in a carpool. One just silently stays out of it and prays to someone blend into the background. Gina probably felt like that too, but who gives a flying frick about her?

Lee swam laps around the pool as if it were the only thing that could keep her mind on track. Partially deliberately, she flick-kicked Yolanda in the shin.

"Watch it!"Lee exclaimed.

"You watch it," Yolanda muttered while watching her swim on. Thelma actually tried to follow Lee wherever she went, even if it meant running as fast as her little legs could take her (which looked very funny in the water). She wadded on, looking almost scared to be alone for a second with all these angry people. Residents were now exchanging glares and occasional nudges in the side. Horace stepped on Buckley's tie, a gesture that the ten-year-old boy returned. Horace then went on to sneak closer to Edd to watch his crush from behind.

The temperature of the water increased, and enough for people to notice. It felt like the water in a hot tub after you've gotten used to it. Victorine looked around and saw those other people glancing at each other and looking down. Lee even called out, "Okay, who took a piss in the pool!?"

"Don't panic, children," Ms.Kion announced. Gina raised her hand.

"Wait, we're not all..." The woman wasn't listening. "Nevermind, th-"

"There are bubbles!" Buckley exclaimed. Indeed there were bubbles. And with the bubbles came an increase in heat. At this point, it felt like a shower after a someone flushes the toilet. Suddenly, people were lifting their arms out of the water, getting more and more worried. Pauline even surged to get out of the pool, ramming right into Timothy.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled, pushing her hard. The moment Pauline hit the boiling water, a boom was heard. A gas that smelled strongly of chemicals filled the air. A jolt of force and putrid air emerged from a machine at the corner of the pool. For a moment, the room stood in stunned shock. But that moment ended, replaced with a mad dash to the doorway. Victorine kicked off the floor to gain momentum as she frantically swam to the nearest edge of the pool. She splashed and kicked as fast as she could all the people around her panic. She didn't even have time to check on anyone else as she pulled herself out of the burning water. She hopped to her feet and scurried right out, merging with the crowd of running residents. The chemical air stung her eyes and made her nostrils cringe. She hears screams and grunts and yells as she was shoved right out of the pool room with the rest of them.

After taking a breath on clean, air Victorine scrambled to distance herself from the door. The last of the people sprinted out of the room as Mrs.Daniels yelled, " GO GO GO GO GO!"

When the last person fell into the hallway, she slammed the door and locked it again. The residents all stood there in the short hallway, drenched and freezing. Everyone was still in their bathing suits, but it no one seemed to care as they panted in shock. The kids were all bent, over clutching their thighs and repeatedly sighing, "Oh my God. Oh, my God. Oh my God." People barely seemed able to speak or move or do anything until Ms.Kion straightened up and announced, "The pool heater malfunctioned." She pulled on the doorknob to make sure it was locked. "There will be no more pool time."

From then on, people were okay to speak. Most questioned what the hell just happened. Edd backed away from that hallway with his arms up and said, "I'm out!" Parker found Jacey and immediately sighed in relief as her eyes met his. He pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

"You were so close to it when it exploded," he whispered.

"I'm fine, sweetheart. I promise," she told him. Her best friend wasn't so lucky. Yolanda was standing in the corner...crying. Tears streamed down her face as she yelled at the top of her lungs. Those who didn't despise her were at her side, but she would slap them away. What she said was hard to make out, but it sounded like a swarm of curse words and, "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! WE ALMOST JUST DIED IN THERE!"

Jacey untangled herself from her boyfriend's arms and was at Yolanda's side in a flash. She put a hand on Yolanda's shoulder.

"It's okay," she eased.

"WHY DID IT EXPLODE?!" Yolanda panted and ran her hand across her sweaty forehead. "That was so Goddamn scary."

Victorine squirmed through the crowd and popped up in front of Yolanda to give her a hug. Yolanda grinned a little and patted the girl on the back.

"Aw, thanks," she sniffled. Asha put a hand on Yolanda's shoulder as Ms.Kion took a quick head count of everyone: 15, 16...17...18."

With a deep, nervous inhale, she announced, "We're missing someone!"

Suddenly, a hand slammed on the pool room door. It slid down the door, making a squeaking noise before slamming again. Ms.Kion hurried to unlock the door as the frantic banging continued. She opened it a crack, stuck her arm in, and pulled Anais out of the room before slamming the door behind them.

Anais looked like a train wreck. Her eyes were bloodshot and crazy. She was heaving and panting, trying to get the chemical air to leave her lungs. She was bent or forwards, clutching her thighs as her eyes moved up to the crowd before her. The crowd looked back at her, with a mix of terror and pity. Mrs.Daniels led Anais out of the hallway, as Ms.Kion addressed the people.

"Just don't panic," she said. "And no more pool." 

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