Chapter 4

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(Your POV)

I woke up this morning about to get ready for school.  Bit then I remembered that it was the weekend. I then did my morning routine and just kept my pajamas on.

I grab something to eat for breakfast. After that I just plopped on my coach looking for something to watch.While I was watching (Favorite anime) I go a text from Eren.

Eren: Hey (Y/N) meet Mikasa and I at the movies. See you at 12:00

It was now 11:32 so I decided just start getting ready now.

I took a quick shower before I wore a (F/C) shirt with (F/C) shorts.Just to make it simple I wore (F/C) and white shoes.  After I was done getting ready I grab my things to go to the movies.


It was now 12:04 and I'm still waiting for Eren and Mikasa, not complaining. Later then I saw Eren with Mikasa. Walking towards my direction. "Hey (Y/N)! How are you doing?" Eren asked sounding really excited. " Good." We then started to decide on what movie to watch.

We ended up on watching (Favorite movie) and we then got our tickets. We then bought snacks and popcorn. After that we went to our seats.

There wasn't a lot of people in the movie theater so it wasn't that loud.

Mikasa sat between Eren and I. I sat on the right of her, while Eren sat on the left of her. The movie started and everything went dark. So then of course we began to watch the movie.


While I was watching the movie I noticed Mikasa started to hold my hand. I blushed. Didn't know what to do I just stayed like that. Nervous that I'll make it more awkward if I move.

I then noticed that she fell asleep on my shoulder. She look so cute and peaceful while she was sleeping. I tried not to move a lot so I won't wake her up.

I could feel her body movement as she breathed in and out.  She wasn't snoring, which was good because that could distract the other people trying to watch the movie.

I moved her hair out of her face so I can look at her features. It was dark so it was kinda hard to look at her. But I still enjoyed the view.

I then continued to watch the movie. And sometimes took a few glances to look at the sleeping Mikasa.


After the movie ended up waking Mikasa. And told her what happened. She apologized and I accept her apology.

I was actually enjoying that a little bit. But I was really flustered for most of the movie.

(Mikasa POV)

I can't believe I fell asleep on (Y/N). But at least he didn't mind. Is it because he have feelings for me? Maybe. Hopefully.

He'll soon fall for me. And only me. Not anyone else. And he doesn't have a choice. If anyone tries to interfere they'll just end up like poor Midori.

I love him so much. So so much. I wish I can tell him that. Even if I have to say it a billion times everyday.

(Your POV)

I was back home on my bed. Using my laptop to watch (Favorite anime). I started to cry because my favorite character had died.

I then shut down my laptop and put it on my desk. I was about to go to sleep.

Thinking about the events of happened today over again. I wish the moment that I had with Mikasa lasted longer, but sadly they didn't last that long.

Then I slowly fell asleep on my thoughts...

Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed that. Again please vote and comment. If you don't I'll...I'll...yeah I can't do anything about. So hope you enjoy the rest of you day. Bye bye.11/21/17

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