Chapter 7 - I am not your enemy

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The raid on Port Macquarie was a success. I am starting to trust the new bloods more and more. I am also starting to trust myself, and my fighting skills. I don't want to have to just rely on my lighting, because we saw how useless that was when Maven had me caged up. I need to be able to defend myself as old Mare would have, before she fell into the arena.

It has been relatively easy to reintegrate the captured reds into our way of life. They are given an option on blackbird, either come with us and live as part of the Scarlet Guard, or return to your homes and we wont stay in your way. Some return home, no doubt needing to get back to their loved ones. And that is ok. I would have done the same if had my old life and my parents and Gisa back home. But they are at the main base, safe from the war we have pledged against our silver enemies. We give the reds something they have never had. An option. A choice. It was always taken away from us by the silvers.

Once back at the base, we train the reds, support and find them somewhere to belong. Some are sent to other Scarlet camps. Some stay here with us. New bloods are few, so they are always within our base.

"Mare. Well done on the raid. In and out this time" Farley winks at me from across the dinner table. We usually have shifts of when everyone eats, Farley, Kilorn, Cameron and I get first sitting at 5pm and then we spend the rest of the time training and planning. The rest of the crew gets the rest of the afternoon off.

"Getting easier everyday" I wink back. The cocky side of me loves how easy it is to take his captives from right under the precious Kings nose. What I wouldn't give to see his reaction. One of the techs comes in through the side door, walking straight to Farley with a note in his hand. I scoff, cant we just have one dinner in peace. I should be used to the ever changing movement of the scarlet guard, but I feel like I never just get to sit and talk to Farley, or Kilorn. I miss those days and they are fare and few now.

Farley takes the paper from the tech and thanks him. She opens the note and reads it, her brows furrowing and then a look of surprise crosses her mind.

"What is it? Cameron is the first to ask, curious.

"Probably another announcement to do with the engagement" Kilorn murmurs while eating his stew. He looks way too focused on the food and not the note.

"He has got to be kidding me" Farley says, sounding agitated.

I take the note then. The minute she said he, i knew exactly who it was from. I skim the note, my eyes focusing on the large font taking up the top half of the page. It is stamped with the royal seal.


Dear Scarlet Guard,

I know we are not friends, no where close to it. But we were once part of the same team. Not too long ago. A common purpose served us both, and still does to this day.

I write to you to ask that these raids on my camps, my homes, my people - stop. There can only be so much bloodshed. We serve a common purpose. We have a common enemy. My brother Maven.

Instead of focusing our attention on fighting each other, lets focus our attention on finding him, and ending his torment of human life. It has gone on far too long, and hurt far too many people.

I thus invite you, to court, to discuss a truce, albeit for the meantime. We can discuss the details if you accept this invitation. No harm will come to your people and you know this is not a trap. I will even go one step further and release all the reds we have sheltered, as a sign of good faith. With the promise of course, that you will not harm any more of my subjects.

I know where Maven is. I can guarantee this is more than you have.

I will strike with or without you, but if I have learnt anything from the Guard, it is that they consider a job best done when it is completed by their own.

Please advise whether you will attend a meeting at court, before the end of the week. Please advise who will be attending, so that I can organise the relevant accommodation.

I am not the enemy. At least for now.


Tiberius Calore VII

King of Norta

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