The beginning of the end

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Blood drips onto the floor from my arm and the blade drops from my hand. How did I get this way I wonder just counting the seconds between eat drop of blood. 123, 123 I count and the puddle just keeps getting bigger. I have no desire to stop the bleeding because part of me would rather bleed out. Just die why not nobody cares, but I can't not now.

It's my sister Ella's birthday she is just turning 10 but they are treating it like a big deal. I can't die now scar a 10 year old inevitably handing her the same fate I will face. Suicide Seeing your older sister dead on your birthday would definitely give her depression or  PTSD. I can't do that I will have to wait until later. I grab a towel that is on the floor next to my bed and wipe the blood from my arm.

I get up and put on a black long sleeve and a pair of jeans. I tie my long brown hair into a ponytail, and make my way down the stairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs to see pink decorations and a cake shaped like a castle. The whole living room is filled with kids and all I want to do is retreat back to my room. "Moon glad you can make it come and sit with us" My mom says.

I reluctantly walk over to where my mom and a few other adults are sitting. " come here sweetie." I sit down and I have a bunch of adults looking at me like they want answers. "Moon do you know what you want to do for a career" one of the adults asks me. "I was thinking I would be a therapist."

Everyone at the table went silent. Sweetie are you sure you don't want to be a doctor or something Dorothy's child is planning on being a neurosurgeon." "I am sure mom" she looked kind of embarrassed which in turn made me feel embarrassed. "Well let's get the children together for cake and Moon you can just go and chill in your room that's all we wanted to know." I just walked back up the stairs to my room and shut the door.

I sit on my bed and look at the blade. "Not today" I say to myself as I lay back on my bed. All of a sudden I hear knocking at my window. I perk up knowing exactly who it is and I am so happy she is here to bail me out of this party. "Come on before your mom sees my car."

I climbed down a long rope that I had attached to my window for this specific reason and we ran to her car. "Thanks for the save Avery." "no problem anytime" she says while speeding away from my house. She drives to an empty field out in the middle of the country. We get out of the car and she opens the back to the truck.

Where I see a blanket and a picnic basket laid out. "Wow how did I not notice this I say with a chuckle." I don't know babe but here I figured that you needed something nice considering how you stormed out of school yesterday after the incident. Also I can see the cuts on your arm." I try to pull my sleeve down but Avery stops me.

It's too late it's not like I did not see it. I look down ashamed of what I have done. "Moon I get it your life is tough so I am not going not going to give a big speech about how that is bad cause you already know it is. It just breaks my heart to see you hurt yourself" Avery says trying to hold in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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