Chapter 6

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"What do you think you're doing?!" Cocoa shouted at Jungkook when she noticed he was staring at her. He quickly adverted his brown orbs away, a red filling his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry, p-please don't kick me out of the room!" Jungkook begged, realising he may have made Cocoa mad. Cocoa just glared at him, then shrugged her shoulders and sat on the bed.

"Fine, my friends would kill me if I did that anyway." She answered him, leaving him shocked.

"Can I ask you a question?" The terrified male asked. Even though he didn't want to, even though he never liked talking to girls, he still asked.

"You just did, but sure." She replied, not making any eye contact with the man whatsoever.

"Why are you so cold and, if this offends you I'm sorry, scary?" He asked her, expecting a punch in the gut.

"... Why do you wanna know?" She asked him in a quiet voice, which surprised him, he looked into her emerald green eyes.

"I was just curious, if the question offends you- don't answer it, I won't make you." Jungkook explained, shock to see such a bold and strong girl suddenly so quiet and vulnerable.

"It doesn't offend me, you can relax. I just don't tell people this..." Cocoa trailed off, obviously thinking about his question.

"... You haven't even told your friends why?" Jungkook asked slightly surprised. The only response Cocoa gave was shaking her head. The man just stared at the girl, who was debating whether to tell him or not. Cocoa finally decided.

"My family was always shown strong, brave, bold," she started, captivating the male's attention, "so when I was growing up, I was taught that that was how we were supposed to act and behave, my Dad's side of the family are in the defence force and that scares me sometimes. I was taught that any information you give others about yourself, if it's something personal, they would always find a way to use it against you, manipulate you with it. So I always kept these things to myself and put on the act that I was strong, bold, fearless, when really, most of the time I'm so scared someone will find out and I won't be able to have an opinion over my own life, I will live under someone else's control." Cocoa explained, tears rolling down her cheeks. She let out a shaky breath and looked over at Jungkook.

"Why?" Jungkook asked the crying girl.

"Why what?" She replied through her sobs.

"Why did you live like that? Why haven't you told your friends?" He asked her, watching the tears roll down her face.

"Like I said, if people know the personal stuff, then they will have power over you. That's why I don't share this stuff." Cocoa explained.

"But, you shared it with me, so?" Jungkook replied questionably. He was so naive.

"I feel like I can tell you this, because you won't try to control me, you're the type of person that would respect this sort of thing, not take advantage of it." Cocoa slowly replied. Jungkook noticed that she had stopped crying as she said this. The man walked towards her and sat next to her on the bed, embracing her in his arms.

"I hope you know that you're still sleeping on the couch." She reminded him.

"I guessed I would still sleep on the couch." He admitted, laughing slightly.

"Thanks." Cocoa thanked Jungkook as she pulled away from the hug to look at his face.

"For what?" Jungkook asked, slightly confused.

"For letting me talk about this and for listening." She answered.

"No problem." He replied, leaning down to kiss her forehead, then realising what he did.

"S-sorry! I wasn't thinking!" The man said, scared he was in trouble. She giggled to herself.

"Don't worry," she reassured, kissing his cheek,"now we're even!"

"O-okay, well I think it's time to go to sleep!" He stated, slightly flustered. Cocoa nodded and climbed into bed.

"Do I still have to sleep on the couch?" Jungkook asked, a bit of hope clear in his voice.

"Yep." Cocoa replied, making him frown a bit before a smile reappeared on his face.

"Okay, goodnight!" He said while getting comfy on the couch.

"Night!" Cocoa said, nearly asleep already. As Jungkook was about to fall asleep, he realised that she trusted him with something so personal, that her closest friends don't know and he saw the vulnerable side of the girl who terrified him the first time they met. With this thought, he drifted off to sleep.

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