Omake Six

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Long story short: life is a bitch, uni is a bitch, phonetics is (are?) a bitch, have an omake.


Yarn Of Time

Omake Series of Canon Patchworking with Uchiha Ren series



The faint sound of something slithering on the floor and the carpet is enough to instantly get her awake and aware. She wouldn't be a good agent if she wasn't on her guard even when asleep now, would she? But aside from a slightly deeper, longer breath and the flexing of the fingers of her right hand on which her head currently rests, she doesn't move. Which may or may not be due the dull, pulsating pain in her tightly bandaged left hand. That, and she doesn't want to aggravate the injury that took a six-hour-long surgery to be righted.

But that might also be because the surgeons struggled to pull out all the shrapnel pieces, put her bone back together, and minimize the damage done to her nerves, muscles, veins, and tendons. And wasn't that a fun experience, seeing as she was on sedatives, but awake, for about half of it. It wasn't her fault that Hana is on holiday, Sakura buried under paperwork due day before, and Tsunade on a week-long date-trip, and that other medics aren't competent enough to produce acceptable results without her guidance!

She murmurs something incoherent, slipping back into a blissful state of half-consciousness upon realizing that it's her sheets on her bed, in her room that smells distinctly like strawberries and a bit of daisies and forget-me-nots thanks to a few strategically placed fragrance dispensers. The slithering gets closer, and judging by the sound, it's something big.

Ren opens her eyes, facing the wall, with her back to the door, and sighs heavily. The room is still dark, the curtains drawn. With the lack of light on the fabric, she concludes that it's probably dark outside too.

"Finally caved in?" she mutters, then yawns. "What fucking time is it?"

"It always amazed me how fast you can shift between sleep and awareness," her intruder muses, avoiding answering either question. Ren rolls her eyes, but otherwise doesn't move. There's a shift in the mattress as it caves under an additional weight, and Ren shivers when the covers shift, letting cold air in, before falling down again to accommodate a second body.

Well, part of it, at least.

Ren doesn't fight another shiver, when said body presses against her, cold hands around her waist and cold scales behind her legs. Praise be to whoever invented long, baggy pajama pants and shame on Ren for not wearing her thick, fluffy socks.

"Poor Oro can't generate enough warmth on his own?" Ren coos, and yelps when cold lips press to the bare skin of the back of her neck, where her hair ends but her oversized T-Shirt doesn't quite reach. "For crying out loud, Orochimaru, I will kick you out."

Orochimaru just chuckles, lips still pressed to the nape of her neck. The air he breathes out tickles, but doesn't make it any less cold.

"You're the one who took me in," he says softly, and Ren sighs, deep and theatrical.

"Yes, because you grew on me like a parasitic fungus," she groans. "And then I got hit in action, almost died, almost lost my entire arm when it became apparent that I'll pull through and now I'm on half a year of medical leave to recuperate. And I would have lost my arm if the medics didn't follow my instructions. Honestly, I've never valued spending time with Hana and Sakura more. How could I know that dude had turned himself into a human bomb?"

"I say you should be grateful that your arm is the only thing you were in danger of losing, with that stunt," the snake murmurs. "Next time, do take Deidara. He knows his way around explosives."

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