Terrible days

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Lindsey's POV:

I was going to accompany Harry’s band for their tour.

To be honest, I was not at all excited.

I am not even a singer nor did I know how famous they were.

I went along with these so-called men to our house.

They all behaved like small kids.

I was wondering what happened to my clinic because I haven’t gone there for a while.

All the hate took over me and that kissing picture that came on the magazine cover gave me so many problems.

We just came home and Niall just loved the cake and appreciated my baking abilities.

I went to get myself changed and Harry also accompanied me.

“You know what? I used to work in a bakery… If you need any help with that, you can come to me,” he said winking at the last part.




“The cake was amazing!” he said pecking me on my lips.

I’m not interested in this guy. But I don’t know why there are butterflies in my stomach right now.

~             ~             ~             ~

The next day I went to my clinic. All the nurses were surprised to see me there.

“I thought you were in your honeymoon,” Linda, one of the nurse said.

“Uh, no. We are not going. He’s busy.”

“Yeah. It happens when you are married to a worldwide popular celebrity…” she said trailing off in the end. Maybe, she was in her dreamland.

“Fine. Go back to work. And why is that we have so many pets here today?”

“I don’t know.”

I was checking some pets, regular ones and there was a teen with her dog which she has named, “Loki”.

She came up to me and said, “Can I have a picture with you?”

I nodded. We took a selfie or groupie or whatever with Loki.

There was a mail for me said my mobile in my pocket.

When I checked what it was, I found that she just uploaded that picture on instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, and a lot more which I couldn’t identify.

And she had mentioned me in her tweets.

And then I was flooded with mentions saying:

“You what? A vet? #LindseySucks”

And it was trending. Ugh! Why me???

People started crowding my clinic. It started to become a nightmare for me.

I felt not to return back to the clinic, again.

I was mobbed.

And just in time a car opened its door for me and it was Paul, Harry’s band’s security guard.

He dropped me off at home and left.

I went home and started to cry in Harry’s arms.

Liam came out saying, “You’ll get over it. It’s hard in the beginning.”

I started to cry out loud.

Harry was rubbing my back to calm me down.

But he didn’t know that it wasn’t working.

I got a call from some unknown number.

A girl spoke in it saying:

“You are an absolute gold digger. Be honest and tell it to the world that you married him only because of his fame and wealth. You are no way a perfect match for harry. Get a life other than to suck his d***.”

She hung up. Every word she said just pierced through my heart.

I felt like killing myself.

I didn’t even want to live anymore with this guy. I don’t even know him for more than a month.

And each and every day, I’ve been crying my heart out.

Why the hell was I married to him? Why was I chosen?

I saw Harry right in his eyes and asked him, “Why did you marry me? Why? Everybody says that my life would be better off without you. My only aim was to become a popular vet who truly loves animals. But see? I can’t even go to my clinic. It’s all because of you. Please throw me out of your life.”

Everybody went silent and the only sound that could be heard was Niall dropping his bowl full of popcorn on the floor.

I just realized what I said and went running upstairs to our room.

                ~             ~             ~             ~

It’s been two days since I opened my room door to have a look at Harry.

I don’t even ever want to go out.

The outside world is HARMFUL FOR ME.

The house was so silent. So I decided to open the door.

I went downstairs to get myself something to eat after starving myself for two days.

I made myself some pancakes and some cup cakes.

I heard the door creak open and it was to my surprise Eleanor who was back home for the vacations because she lived in the university hostel while studying.

“Where are the others?”

“I don’t know,” I simply said it casually.

“Honey, I know everything that happened here. You need not lie to me. Have you talked to Harry after all that happened?”

I shook my head. “In fact I didn’t come out of the room for the past two days.”

“You, what?”

I hung my head.

“So were you starving yourself? But, why?”

“I’ll tell you later. I have so much to say to you.”

She nodded her head like a doll.

“Where’s Harry?”

“Let me call Louis and get to know….”


She called him up and gave a shocked look.

“Where is MY HUSBAND?”

“No time. Just come along.”

What have I done?!

[A/N: How are you all? It’s freaking 11.24 pm here! Aaaah! And I’m updating here? Omfg! I just cant believe that I snuck out of my room to the hall to update so that my mom doesn’t get me caught red handed ‘cause I’m a secret writer to my family… So shhhhhhhh! So liked it? If you did, show it through your comments and vote. And… so much of fighting, eh? So I promise that ther will be some romance in the next chapters… Dedicated to her 'cause she's awesome. Check out her books. they are really good! Good night! Love ya’ll]

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